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Mole Trappers on The Edge

Relax, this isn’t a post about some mole trappers about to freak out or do anything irrational.

Rather, it is about understanding the concept of “edges” to become a more successful do-it-yourself mole trapper.

Finding the main travel tunnels of a mole is a simple recipe for mole trapping success.

Especially if you have a limited number of traps, you’ll definitely have more success if the traps are placed in the more-traveled tunnels.  Using the concept  of “edges” can help you find these higher percentage tunnels.

When we refer to edges for moles we simply mean the places where softscape (grass, mulch, soils) meets hardscape (sidewalks, stones, foundations, gravel). Think of edges as areas where easy travel meets obstructions.   The obstruction then dictates the path of travel.  For example, a mole tunneling along in a yard can go pretty much anywhere its fancy takes it.  But, that same mole, when it bumps into the concrete driveway edge now has its options limited.  With its path obstructed, it often continues to tunnel alongside the driveway creating a very definable tunnel for the trapper.  These obstructions, whether they be foundations, sidewalks, or rocks, help define high success areas for beginners and pros alike.

Here is an explanatory pictureMole tunnel with caption

In the dirt on the left of the picture, a mole can go just about anywhere.  There are tunnels in there for sure.  But, are they as obvious as the tunnel along the sidewalk?  No way.  We suggest trapping here because the tunnel is:

  • Easy to find
  • Is traveled whenever the mole bumps into this boundary

Our advice:  Go with the path of least resistance.  The mole probably will.

A Second Picture

2nd mole tunnel defined white lettersWhile this edge is a little harder to see, we encourage you to click on the picture to take a better look.  Here, a common piece of metal edging was used by landscapers to create a bed.  A mole went right down the side of the curved metal.  Again, the tunnel is quickly and clearly defined for the mole trapper.

You’ve got to put the mole traps somewhere, right?  Why not start at the easily defined edge tunnels?

Ready for a test?

Take a look at this picture and reflect on what we’ve just pointed out.mole examMole Trapping Tips and More

If you live in Northeast Ohio in the Akron, Canton, or Kent area, Frontline Animal Removal wants to be your trusted source for professional mole removal from your yard.

We can do the trapping or we can get you started with some hands-on education to help you be a do-it-yourself mole trapper.

Call Today!

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