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A Raccoon’s Entry Hole from Inside the Attic

At Frontline Animal Removal, we specialize in wildlife removal and repair services for residents in Canton, Akron, and Kent, Ohio, as well as the surrounding areas of Stark, Summit, and Portage Counties.

This week, we want to share a unique and insightful experience from one of our recent jobs: viewing a raccoon’s entry hole from inside the attic. This less-viewed perspective highlights the importance of thorough wildlife management and the need to do what it takes to get the job done properly..

A Rare Inside View

Typically, our wildlife removal efforts focus on the exterior of homes, where we identify and seal entry points and set up traps to capture the animals. However, there are times, especially during the spring and early summer, when we need to enter attics to retrieve baby raccoons by hand.

This provides us with a unique opportunity to see the extent of the damage from the inside, offering valuable insights into the behaviors and impacts of long-term raccoon use.

Raccoon with Babies in Attic

At a recent job, Ryan found himself in an attic with a significant raccoon problem and wanted to share.

This particular issue had been ongoing for quite some time, as evidenced by the condition of the attic. The wood around the entry hole was darkened and worn from continual raccoon rubbing, a clear sign of long-term use. The insulation was heavily trampled, further indicating that raccoons had been frequenting the space for an extended period.

Take a look:

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The Telltale Signs of Long-Term Raccoon Activity

  1. Darkened Wood: When raccoons repeatedly use the same entry point, their fur and oils can darken and wear down the wood. This staining is a clear indicator of a well-used access route.
  2. Trampled Insulation: Raccoons tend to follow the same paths within an attic, leading to flattened and trampled insulation. This not only shows the routes they prefer but also indicates the duration of their presence.  Trampled insulation does not insulate as well.  This is another reason to keep animals outside.
  3. Accumulated Droppings and Debris: Over time, raccoons leave behind droppings and nesting materials, which can accumulate and cause health hazards.

Effective Raccoon Removal | Stark, Summit, Portage Counties

  1. Inspection: We conduct a thorough inspection of the property, identifying all potential entry points and signs of wildlife activity.
  2. Removal: If raccoons are present, we set up traps to capture and relocate the adults. In cases like this one, where babies are involved, we enter the attic to safely retrieve them by hand.
  3. Damage Assessment: From inside the attic, we assess the extent of the damage and make recommendations
  4. Repairs: We repair and reinforce the damaged areas, ensuring that all entry points are securely sealed to prevent future intrusions.
  5. Prevention: We offer advice and solutions to help homeowners prevent wildlife from entering their homes in the future, such as trimming back trees and bushes and regularly inspecting the exterior of the home.

Frontline Animal Removal: Your Trusted Wildlife Management Partner

At Frontline Animal Removal, we are dedicated to providing thorough and effective wildlife removal and repair services. Our team understands the challenges and frustrations that come with wildlife intrusions, and we are committed to resolving these issues efficiently.

Ryan’s experience in the attic serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing both the presence of wildlife and the damage they cause to ensure a safe and secure home.

If you suspect raccoons or other wildlife have taken up residence in your attic, don’t hesitate to contact us. Let Frontline Animal Removal help you restore peace of mind with our comprehensive wildlife management solutions.

For more insights watch our YouTube videos, read our blogs, and surf all around our website. You’ll see how we handle these challenges firsthand and how your problem may be similar.

Protect your home and your family with Frontline Animal Removal—your trusted partner in wildlife control in Canton, Akron, Kent, and the surrounding Ohio areas.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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