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Squirrels Are Here Again

It’s that time of year…again! The time for baby squirrels to be born.

The fact that squirrels give birth twice a year is not widely known.  They develop quickly and this two-litters-per-year life cycle helps explain why squirrel numbers stay high.

Understanding that squirrels have given birth for the second time this year answers a lot of questions when it comes to August squirrel removal.

As an FYI, we can confirm those second litters have recently arrived (or will arrive soon). Take a look at the video below.

Therefore, if you notice a squirrel in your attic, walls, or soffit at this time of year, there is a good chance that baby squirrels are also there. Squirrel removal in August means locating baby squirrels that are quiet and unseen at this time because they are small and undeveloped.

Trapping squirrels this time of year means that mother and babies must be removed from a home.

Squirrel Nest Removal | Baby Squirrel Removal

Born hairless and with their eyes closed, squirrels develop rapidly.

Newly Born Squirrels

After 5 weeks they open their eyes and are covered with fur. After about 10 weeks they are developed enough to be able to leave the nest on their own.

When the babies start leaving the nest in September and October, they are a lot more noticeable to homeowners than they are right now because of an increase in noise.

The picture to the right shows how undeveloped baby squirrels look about a week or two after birth.

At this time of year captured squirrels should be checked to see if they are male or female.

Any females should be checked to see if they are pregnant or lactating. This knowledge gives the squirrel remover an idea of how to best proceed.

That is exactly what Ryan did in this video where he documented the first baby squirrels of August 2020.

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Little ones and their nests need to be removed before repair for proper squirrel removal this time of year.

If the squirrels can’t be reached, it may be advisable to wait a little while until they have grown and are able to come out on their own.

Squirrel Removal for Akron, Canton and Kent

They don’t breed as much as rabbits, but gray squirrels certainly do their best to keep the populations high.

If you suspect a squirrel is nesting your attic, walls, or soffit, please be aware that baby squirrels (even if you haven’t heard or seen the yet!) may be present.

For all your squirrel removal needs in Startk, Summit & Portage counties, give us a call!

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