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Inspection Reveals Big Brown Bats

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, what’s the worth of a video?

We’ll let you judge, as we share some pictures and video from a bat inspection Ryan conducted this week.

Bat Inspection Informs Decisions

For homeowners who suspect they have bats living in a part of their home, an inspection by a professional helps gather facts and inform a decision.

The inspection reveals:

  • If bats are present or not
  • Approximate number and type of colony
  • Entry Points
  • Repairs necessary to keep bats out in the future

A thorough inspection then informs the management plan most appropriate for the situation.

bat inspection Green, OHFor example, a recent inspection revealed bats were getting into this soffit where the chimney, soffit, and roof line come together.  The chimney has shifted slightly since its installation (very common) and a gap existed that was big enough for the bats to gain entry.

Once in the soffit they were able to move all through the soffit, between the chimney and the home, and are even able to enter the attic space at the peak .

Bat Guano is sign of useAll of this information can only be gained by getting on a ladder and checking things out.

Guano (bat poop) found clinging to the chimney bricks below the entrance is often telling.  It reveals recent activity.  Looking for guano below suspected entrances is something any homeowner can accomplish if they know what to look for.

Most telling in this particular case was what Ryan saw when he disassembled the soffit a little to get a better look.  What he found was a group of about 10-12 Big Brown Bats.  They were roosted in the soffit at the time of the inspection.  Most scurried up behind the chimney and one took flight, but a few stayed around to be videoed.  Viewing the roosting bats gives the inspector a lot of good information that can be shared with the homeowner.

Here’s video of what Ryan found

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Bat Inspections for Akron/Canton/Kent

If you believe there you have bats living in your home and would like some help with an inspection or removal, give Frontline Animal Removal a call today.

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Knowledge of what’s going on can give you peace of mind and a starting point for a management plan.

For more on bats, bat removal, and bat inspections please visit:


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