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Bat Removal & Prevention


bats behind shutterIt’s okay to give bat colonies their eviction notices now according to the Ohio Nuisance Animal Removal Rules.

For us, that means its time to get busy with bat exclusions.

In our post PAUSE ON BATS, we discussed the timing of bat removal and the State of Ohio rules on bat removal.

In case you missed it or want to get all the details we encourage you to click on the link and go back to read that post.

Click here: PAUSE ON BATS

In that post, we discuss the prohibition on excluding maternal bat colonies from May 16 through July 31.

Right now, in mid-August, the bat pups born earlier this year are flying and insect feeding on their own. That is why bat exclusions are allowed.

As you can see in the following video, the bats in this colony are able to fly even if they’d rather not leave their comfortable roost behind this shutter.

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So, if you need our bat removal services, there’s good news: We’re getting our bat exclusion jobs underway.

A Review of Bat Removal/Exclusion Basics

 Bat removal/exclusion is all about

  • Making sure all the bats are out of a structure
  • Sealing up the structure up so the bats can’t get back in

Making sure all the bats are out of a house is a process of putting barriers over entrances that let them out, but prevent them from getting back in.

We use tubes at entry/exit points designed so bats can get out but not back in.

You can read about it in this post Bat Cones.

Concurrently, all the other spots where bats can get in need to be sealed up as well. This sealing up of the structure to keep them from getting in at other places is what bat-proofs the structure.

Finding all of these spots is why an inspection fro bats is so important.

Here’s an example:

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Bat Proofing a Home

For bat-proofing, the bats’ main entrances and points of use need modification so that the bats can’t enter or use that spot again.

Bat By an EntryAdditionally, once the bats get kicked out they are going to want to get back in.  They’ll explore the structure searching for other ways in. This means all the potential points of bat entry/bat use should be given attention.

The extent of the job depends upon how many potential areas of use need modified.

The modifications to the structure typically include:


Sometimes bats access vents that are necessary.  Properly installed screens with fine mesh prevent bats from getting into openings that have to stay.

Siding, Soffit, Flashing, and Fascia Repair:

Bats often get into attics through roofing/siding elements that are old, damaged, or installed improperly.  Sometimes the best way to bat-proof is to replace the piece that is letting the bats in.


Often times, a good portion of bat-proofing is devoted to filling in small gaps that exist in building pieces without replacing them entirely.  This is accomplished through sealing the existing gaps with filler material and a high quality caulk.

Bat Proofing | Akron, Canton, Kent

Now is a great time of the year to get your bat problem solved once and for all.

We will find where the bats are getting in, get them out, and make sure they can’t get back in.

For your bat removal needs in the Stark, Summit, Portage County area, call us today to see how we can help.

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