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Bat Removal and Bat Proofing:

A Guide to Keeping Your Home Bat-Free

As summer winds down in Northeast Ohio, the bat removal and bat-proofing season is in high gear.

At Frontline Animal Removal, we’ve been working hard to help homeowners in the Canton, Akron, and Kent areas address bat infestations and prevent them from reoccurring.

While bats play an essential role in our ecosystem, having them take up residence in your home is not ideal. Bats can be a source of anxiety, and their presence can lead to potential health risks and damage to your property.

Understanding Bat Behavior

To effectively deal with bats, it’s important to understand their behavior.

Bats are nocturnal creatures, meaning they’re most active at night. During the day, they seek out dark, quiet places to rest, often finding refuge in attics, eaves, and wall voids within homes.

Bats can squeeze through incredibly small openings, making it easy for them to enter your home unnoticed. Recognizing their habits and identifying potential entry points is crucial for successful removal and prevention.

Step 1: Inspection and Identification

The first step in any bat removal process is a thorough inspection. This involves identifying where the bats are entering and where they are roosting within your home. It’s not always easy to spot these entry points, as bats can slip through gaps as small as a 3/8ths to 1/2 inch. Common entry points include gaps in the roofing, vents, and damaged or loose siding.

At Frontline Animal Removal, we have the expertise to locate these hidden entryways and assess the extent of the infestation.

Step 2: Safe and Humane Bat Removal

Once the entry points are identified, the next step is to remove the bats safely and humanely. This is where professional expertise is critical.

We use exclusion methods that allow the bats to exit your home but prevent them from re-entering. A one-way bat door or bat tube is installed at the primary entry point, enabling the bats to leave but not return. This method ensures that the bats are not harmed while also making sure your home is free of these unwelcome guests.

Step 3: Comprehensive Bat Proofing

Removing the bats is only half the battle; the key to long-term success is bat-proofing your home. Once the bats are gone, they’ll naturally try to find a way back in. This makes it essential to address all potential entry points around the entire structure. Bat-proofing involves sealing these points so that the bats can’t return.

Our bat-proofing process typically includes:

  • Screening: Some areas, like vents, need to remain open for ventilation, but they also need to be protected. We install fine mesh screens to cover these openings, preventing bats from gaining access while still allowing air to flow freely.
  • Siding, Soffit, Flashing, and Fascia Repair: Often, bats enter through areas of the roofing or siding that are damaged or improperly installed. In these cases, repairing or replacing these elements is necessary to bat-proof your home effectively.
  • Caulking and Sealing: Many bat entry points are small gaps or cracks in the structure that don’t require major repairs. We seal these gaps with high-quality caulk and filler material, creating a barrier that bats cannot penetrate.

Protecting Your Home in Stark/Summit/Portage County from Bats

Bat removal and bat-proofing are crucial steps in maintaining a safe, healthy, and bat-free home.

By understanding bat behavior, conducting a thorough inspection, employing humane removal techniques, and comprehensively bat-proofing your property, you can prevent future infestations and protect your home from damage.

If you suspect bats are roosting in your home, don’t wait to take action. Contact Frontline Animal Removal today. Our expert team is here to provide professional bat removal and bat-proofing services to residents in Canton, Akron, Kent, and the surrounding areas. Let us help you secure your home and give you peace of mind.

For bat removal and bat-proofing services in Stark, Summit, and Portage Counties, reach out to Frontline Animal Removal. We’re here to help you keep your home bat-free!

Ohio Division of Wildlife Resource on Bats in Buildings

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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