(330) 437-5795
Repair Animal Damage

Repair Animal Damage

Raccoon Repair & Removal A solution to a nuisance animal problem is a two-step process: Remove the nuisance animal from your home Repair the damaged area so others can’t get back in When animals get in, we get them out and keep them out! That is our business...
Beware Roof Vents

Beware Roof Vents

Attic Vent Squirrels Squirrels love attic vents.  Why?  Because once a squirrel gets past the defenses of a particular vent, a whole attic of security and shelter await. Consequently, attic vents are always on the list of areas to check when customers report noises of...
Repairs are Key!

Repairs are Key!

Animal Removal & Repair A solution to a nuisance animal in a home is pretty simple in theory: Remove the unwanted animal Make a good repair So, when animals get in, we get them out and keep them out.  That is our business model in a nutshell. A lot of nuisance...
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