(330) 437-5795
Birds in the Ceiling

Birds in the Ceiling

Birds in the Attic?  Birds are always on the lookout for safe, protected spaces to build their nests. When given the opportunity, they often find their way into attics and ceilings, taking advantage of gaps, openings, and uncapped pipes that homeowners may not even...
Bats or Birds?

Bats or Birds?

Differentiating Between Bat Noises and Bird Noises At Frontline Animal Removal we specialize in helping residents of Stark, Summit, and Portage Counties with all their nuisance wildlife removal and repair needs. One common issue we encounter in the summer is...
Nuisance Birds & Ohio Law

Nuisance Birds & Ohio Law

Nuisance Bird Removal Laws in Ohio: What You Need to Know As spring arrives in Ohio, so does nesting season for many bird species. While bird activity is great to have around our house, some birds can also become a nuisance when they invade human spaces. A wildlife...
Swift Time

Swift Time

Noises in Chimney are Often Chimney Swifts As a nuisance animal removal company, we often get called to investigate animal noises in and around fireplaces and chimneys. Clients who hear noises want to know, “What’s in there? And can you get it out?” While we remove...
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