(330) 437-5795
What is a Chimney Swift?

What is a Chimney Swift?

Chimney Swifts: The Cause of Chimney Noises in July As a nuisance animal removal company, we often get called to investigate animal noises in and around fireplaces and chimneys. Clients who hear noises want to know, “What’s in there? And can you get it...
This Design is for the Birds!

This Design is for the Birds!

Bad Design Leads to Birds  It seems Wildlife Informed Design: Preventing Future Issues is not a presentation/lecture that is mandatory for aspiring home designers, builders and architects.  In fact, there probably is no lecture of that name at the conferences,...
Woodpecker Food

Woodpecker Food

Woodpecker / Carpenter Bee Connection Woodpeckers can become a real nuisance when they make holes in the wood elements of clients’ homes. Occasionally, woodpeckers just make the holes to attract mates or for territorial marking. But most of the time, woodpeckers...

Noisy Chimney Swifts

Noises in the Chimney: Swifts As a nuisance animal removal company, we often get called to investigate animal noises in and around fireplaces and chimneys. Clients who hear noises want to know, “What’s in there? And can you get it out?” While...

Birds in Basements

Basement Birds in Winter We’ve had some pretty cold weather this winter.  If you like to ice fish or ski you probably don’t mind.  Others might say, “It’s for the birds!” Well, it’s actually not for the birds as many birds...
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