(330) 437-5795

Birds Inside the House

Birds Making Nests in Houses Some birds put their nests inside of holes (including ones into the house).  Birds that do this are categorized as “cavity dwellers”.  The starling is a widespread, invasive species that is a cavity dweller. As such, starlings...

Pigeon Trapping

Pigeon Trapping Reduces Pigeon Poop After a very informal survey, we came to realize that a lot of people don’t realize that pigeons are a nuisance animal which can be captured and removed with the use of live traps. The intent of this blog is to spread the word...

Noises in Chimney: Chimney Swifts

Noises in the Chimney: Swifts As a nuisance animal removal company, we often get called to investigate animal noises in and around fireplaces and chimneys. Clients who hear noises want to know, “What’s in there? And can you get it out?” While...

For the Birds!

Starlings Load Homes with Nesting Material In the winter, have you ever seen those HUGE flocks of small birds that cover whole fields or seem to never end when flying overhead? If you have, then you are familiar with the European starling, one of the the most common...
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