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Lawn Damage from Raccoons

Raccoons Tear Up Yard looking for Grubs A raccoon or two can do a lot of damage to a lawn in one night. Raccoon damage is easy to identify because it consists of big pieces of sod being torn loose and flipped. Skunks often get blamed because they, too, are grubbers....

Cage Trap Tips

Tips for Trapping with Cage Style Live Traps Day in and day out, most of the raccoons we catch are caught in cage style traps.  We use them because they are very effective: the standard wire box live trap works great for raccoons! The use of these traps is wonderfully...

Please Be Nice

Animal in a Live Trap: What Should I Do? Different people answer this question in different ways. Some people handle it themselves. Others call a friend.  Some call a business like ours. All of these are good options. Then there are those who are frozen by indecision,...
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