(330) 437-5795

Wandering Woodchucks

Little Woodchucks Wandering We get a spike in service calls for groundhog / woodchuck removal at the beginning of  the summer as young groundhogs born this year are starting to venture out on their own. A typical groundhog/woodchuck family in Ohio consists of the...

Groundhog Free Shed

Groundhog Proof Shed Have there been animals like woodchucks digging under your shed lately? Did you even go so far as to trap them last year and have new ones move back in this year? If so, you are not alone. Animals like opossums, skunks, and groundhogs/woodchucks...

Trapping Woodchucks / Groundhogs

Trapping Groundhogs / Woodchucks We are often asked, “What is the best and easiest way to catch a groundhog?” We almost always answer by stating that successful groundhog trapping is best accomplished by putting the right trap in the right place. Easy to...

Groundhogs Undermine Concrete

Groundhog Tunneling Cracks Concrete From raiding gardens to making ugly holes, groundhogs are a common nuisance animal for many homeowners in the Akron, Canton, and Kent area. Sometimes though, groundhog tunnels can go beyond annoyance and become downright destructive...

Baby Groundhogs/Woodchucks

Baby Groundhogs Add to Problem We get a spike in service calls for groundhog and woodchuck removal every summer as the young of the year are all out of the burrows now and the whole family is hungry. As the young get older, they will venture out on their own and...
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