by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Aug 25, 2014 | Animal Damage Repair, Raccoon Removal
Top Three Ways Raccoons Enter Homes Raccoons are great climbers, very dexterous, curious, and smart. They adapt well in the urban and suburban environment and are, therefore, a very common nuisance animal in the Akron / Canton / Kent area. Whether we realize it or...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Jul 30, 2014 | Raccoon Removal, Squirrel Removal
Determining if Squirrels or Raccoons are the Problem Which is it…Raccoons or Squirrels? Maybe it was the noise of something scurrying around in the attic or soffit that first got you investigating. You looked around a little and found a hole in the soffit or...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Jun 23, 2014 | Animal Damage Repair, Raccoon Removal
Opening a Wall to Get a Raccoon Out Sometimes raccoons get into places in homes that are just not easily accessible. When they do, it is often advisable to wait them out and let them come out on their own. But, there are those times when the raccoons are just...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | May 19, 2014 | Bat Removal, General Nuisance Problems, Groundhog Removal, Raccoon Removal, Skunk Removal, Squirrel Removal
Pest / Nuisance Animal Removal in High Gear As the old adage says…When it rains, it pours. Though this has been true of the weather last week, we’re also talking about the pace of animal removal calls this time of year. And, please note, we are not...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | May 4, 2014 | Raccoon Removal
A Different Way to Remove Baby Raccoons Ryan recently got some odd looks and head scratches at a raccoon job, as he opened a trap and let a raccoon go. You read that right…he let it go. And guess where it went after he released it…straight into the house...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Apr 22, 2014 | Raccoon Removal
Beware the Male Raccoon Normally, we keep it light with the blog posts, trying to capture that “how to” feel. This week, however, we’re going to touch on a subject at the darker underbelly of raccoon removal this time of year: raccoon infanticide....