by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Oct 20, 2020 | General Nuisance Problems, Raccoon Removal, Squirrel Removal
Squirrel Problem Exposed by Insulation Insulation is supposed to be in the attic, not on the ground outside of your home or in the gutter. So, when insulation is noticed where it shouldn’t be, there is often an animal issue. Squirrels (and raccoons to some...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Oct 13, 2020 | Animal Damage Repair, Squirrel Removal
Squirrels are Symptom of Construction Problem Nuisance animals like squirrels, raccoons, and bats are very opportunistic. Once they find a weak spot on a home’s exterior, they are very likely to exploit it. One of the biggest weak spots these animals exploit is...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Sep 14, 2020 | Flying Squirrel Removal, Squirrel Removal
Flying Squirrels in Summer? Nuisance animal removal in Northeast Ohio generally follows seasonal patterns. For example, baby gray squirrels were born in September and we know those babies are going to be large enough to leave the nest and become noisy soon. Thus, we...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Aug 20, 2020 | Squirrel Removal
Squirrels Are Here Again It’s that time of year…again! The time for baby squirrels to be born. The fact that squirrels give birth twice a year is not widely known. They develop quickly and this two-litters-per-year life cycle helps explain why squirrel numbers stay...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Aug 1, 2020 | General Nuisance Problems, Groundhog Removal, Raccoon Removal, Skunk Removal, Squirrel Removal
Tip: Control Animal Movement The process of trapping a nuisance animal is pretty simple in theory. You get an appropriately sized trap and get the animal to go into it. The trap closes and the animal is captured. But, in practice, would-be trappers sometimes struggle...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Jul 21, 2020 | Squirrel Removal
Trapping Squirrels Here in the Akron, Canton, Kent, Ohio area there is a high population of squirrels. Most of these squirrels live in nests located in neighborhood trees and are rarely viewed as a problem. But when the squirrel populations get high, good nesting...