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What are the Rules About Groundhogs in Ohio?

Groundhogs Captured Under DeckMany people who are having first time problems with nuisance wildlife often want to know what, if any rules, apply.

Our goal with this post is to summarize the rules and point you to actual text of the code.

By wanting to follow the law, we commend you.


Nuisance Woodchuck Regulations for Ohio

Who can remove a nuisance groundhog from private property? 


However, only those who are State of Ohio certified nuisance animal removers may charge a fee.

What is necessary to begin trapping? 

  1. Written permission from the owner if that is not you
  2. The trap must have identification of the trapper on it (Name and mailing address suffice; see rule for other methods and details of trap identification)
  3. The ability to check your traps once every calendar day

Foundation Groundhog

What are the trap restrictions? 

  • Cage traps – none except for identification
  • Body Gripping Traps-  Trap can not have a jaw spread greater than seven inches.  These traps can’t be set more than three feet from the groundhog’s hole or the structure they are living under.  Body grippers with a jaw spread measuring from five to seven inches must have something covering or blocking access to the trap from the outside. (Only what’s in the hole should be able to get in the trap)

****Note on body gripping traps :  Please understand these traps are lethal and can break bones or kill your neighbors’ pets easily if not used properly and according to the law.  If you don’t have previous experience, best to steer clear***

  • Snares-  Must be made of steel cable.  Must have a relaxing lock system and cannot be “lethal” unless you are a certified operator.  (See rule for specifics)
  • Foothold trap – cannot have an inside jaw measurement greater then 5 5/8 inches and cannot have teeth on the jaws

What can be done with a live groundhog you’ve captured?

  • A groundhog may be released alive in Ohio provided it is 1) Not injured 2)released outside the limits of any incorporated city or village and 3) you have the permission of the landowner.
  • Groundhogs may be euthanized.  (If you choose this option,  please do so humanely and know your local firearm laws)

Groundhog in Comstock

Do It Yourself Suggestions

To stay on the right side of the law, we suggest using a box-style live trap.

Most of the rules have to do with the other styles of traps.  Staying clear of traps other than cage traps makes your chances of rule compliance high.

If you choose to release the groundhog, the biggest challenge is getting permission to release the groundhog on private property.  Not too many people want groundhogs.

The biggest temptation, which is not in accordance with these rules, is to take the groundhog to a public park and let it go.

This shouldn’t happen. We suggest following the law.

If you euthanize the groundhog, which is legal, make sure you do it in a humane way (quick & painless) and legal way.  Know your local firearm discharge laws.

We hope this has been a helpful review of the laws as they pertain to the removal of nuisance groundhogs and woodchucks. 

These laws exist to aid property owners in nuisance wildlife management. 

Remember, consult the law for yourself as you are ultimately responsible.

If you are in the Akron, Canton, Kent Ohio area and need any help with your groundhog problem, we would be happy to provide groundhog removal services for you. 

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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