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Preventing Wildlife Intrusion:

Keep Trees and Bushes Trimmed Back from Your Home

At Frontline Animal Removal, we often emphasize the importance of wildlife prevention to protect your home and maintain peace of mind. 

This week, we want to share a crucial prevention tip: keeping trees and bushes trimmed back from the edge of your buildings. This simple yet effective step can significantly reduce the odds of wildlife like raccoons and squirrels getting into your house.

Why Tree and Bush Maintenance Matters

One of the primary ways wildlife gains access to your roof is by climbing trees and bushes that are too close to your home. When these natural bridges are in place, raccoons and squirrels can easily leap onto your roof. Once they are on your roof, they are likely to explore further, often finding or creating entry points into your attic or walls. Regularly trimming trees and bushes away from your home can disrupt these travel routes, making it much harder for these animals to reach your roof and, consequently, your home.

A Real-Life Example

Recently, we were called to a home in the Akron, Canton, Kent locale where the homeowners were dealing with an extensive raccoon problem. The raccoons had gained access to two separate parts of the roof, creating considerable damage and stress for the homeowners. Upon inspection, we discovered the primary issue: tall arborvitaes planted close to the house. These trees provided a perfect ladder for the raccoons, touching the house in two places and giving the animals easy access to the roof.

The conditions were ideal for raccoons to climb onto the roof frequently. With such regular visits, the raccoons inevitably found weak spots in the roof’s structure and managed to break in. We documented this job extensively and shared a video to illustrate the problem and our removal process.

Please watch the video here as Ryan explains the issue:

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The Risks of Unchecked Wildlife Access

When wildlife like raccoons and squirrels get onto your roof, the chances of them finding a way inside increase dramatically. Raccoons are particularly adept at finding vulnerabilities in roofing materials, vents, and eaves. Once inside, they can cause significant damage, including tearing up insulation, chewing through wires, and contaminating the space with droppings and urine. Squirrels, while smaller, can be equally destructive, gnawing on wooden structures and wires, which poses a fire hazard.

Steps to Prevent Wildlife Access

  1. Trim Trees and Bushes: Ensure that all trees and bushes are trimmed back at least 6-8 feet from your home. This distance makes it difficult for wildlife to leap from the vegetation to your roof.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular trimming, especially during the growing season, to maintain this distance consistently.
  3. Inspect Your Roof: Regularly check your roof for any signs of damage or potential entry points. Pay particular attention to areas where trees or bushes are close to the house.
  4. Consider Removal: If a tree is particularly problematic and close to your home, you might want to consider removing it to eliminate the risk entirely.

Frontline Animal Removal Can Help

If you suspect that wildlife is getting onto your roof or has already found a way inside, Frontline Animal Removal is here to help. Our experienced team can assess your home, provide removal services, and repair any damage caused by wildlife. We also offer preventive solutions to keep your home safe in the future.

Based in Canton, Akron, and Kent, Ohio, we serve Stark, Summit, and Portage Counties, providing expert wildlife removal and repair services. We take pride in our work and are dedicated to providing the best service to the residents of Canton, Akron, Kent, and the surrounding areas. Read our blog posts. Watch our videos.  You’ll find that your critter problem may be very similar to some we’ve dealt with.

Prevention is always better than dealing with an infestation, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Frontline Animal Removal today. Let us help you protect your home from nuisance wildlife and ensure peace of mind for you and your family.

An older Post on Tree Trimming can be found here.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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