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Skilled Raccoon Trapping

a chimney raccoons are climbingIs it hard to catch a raccoon in a live trap?

Like the answer to many a question, it all depends.

A hungry raccoon that has never seen a trap before is often trapped pretty easily.  Most people can do it.  Conversely, a previously trapped raccoon that has babies in a nest can be very difficult indeed.  The difficulty increases if it is entering a home in a hard to get to location.

Whether or not it’s difficult to capture a particular raccoon often depends on the individual raccoon as well as the experience and tools available to the trapper.

Today’s post shows a couple of examples of the trapping skills of Frontline Animal Removal’s Ryan.  For those in our service area looking for a raccoon trapper, this post shows why a call to Frontline Animal Removal is productive.  For those looking to DIY their troublesome raccoon, it will serve as an example of how to effectively solve your raccoon problem.

Tricky Chimney Raccoon

The first example of a skilled raccoon removal shows a raccoon that is using an unusually covered chimneys.

Raccoons use chimneys all the time, so the fact that a raccoon is in a chimney is not out of the ordinary at all.  What is unique, however, is the configuration of the chimney.

As you’ll see in the video below, there is a sandstone cap covering all three flues of this chimney and it isn’t moving.  Typically, we would trap a raccoon in the chimney flue with a chimney trap as it leaves.  But, because of the sandstone cap, there is no way to get traps into those flues.

Ryan got creative by combining the repair and trapping in the same step.  He first made custom wire pieces to block off access under the stone.  Then he fastened them securely in place.  This directs the raccoon to the opening that is left.  On this opening, Ryan then placed a trap that would close when the raccoon walks through it.  Getting it into place was a matter of being creative.  You’ll see the contraption he built to keep the trap secure and in a good location.

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That is well done!

Another Tough Raccoon

A second example of a great raccoon set-up involves ladder work, a special trap, and a dose of patience.  That is because this raccoon wanted nothing to do with easy traps and bait.  Additionally, this raccoon knows that metal traps are bad and is extra cautious around them.

Catching the raccoon at the entry hole while it is climbing is the preferred method here and maybe the only way to catch this thing.  Getting the trap in place and having the right trap for the job are the two factors which lead to success in this difficult removal.

Take a look:

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Professional Raccoon Removal | Akron, Canton, Kent

While it often isn’t too hard to catch a raccoon in a cage, the examples above of difficult raccoon jobs show the value of hiring a professional raccoon trapper.

Frontline Animal Removal helps Stark, Summit & Portage County residents with hard-to-catch raccoons.

We have the tools, experience and creativity to catch the wariest ones.  The removal process is made efficient when that recipe is used.

If you are in need of professional raccoon removal, please give us a call today.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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