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Roof Trouble: Raccoons & Water

As the hole to the right shows, raccoons often access our clients’ attics and walls by climbing in holes on the roof.

And while they cause damage by enlarging and improving holes as they move in and out, the raccoons don’t just get on a roof and make a hole.

In almost all instances, the raccoons merely exploit a weakness they find on a roof.

And where do roof weaknesses come from?  A combination of water, old age, animal-enabling design or poor installation of building materials.  Often there is a combination of these elements.

In today’s post Ryan shows a video example of a raccoon that found a roof weakness and moved in.

We’re calling this raccoon entry 2.0 because he had trapped raccoons there before.   In getting called back to a job he was a little nervous because it was almost in the same spot.

To his relief, he found that the work he had done to modify a poor design element was holding up.  This time the raccoon was getting in because water damage had weakened the roof.

Roof Trouble Precedes Raccoon

Roof maintenance is extremely important!  That’s because even a small amount of water/wetness over the long term can lead to bigger problems.  Take a look.

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No, we are not a roofing company but we could sure do some advertising for the roofing industry.

When it comes to raccoons and roofs there almost always exists some sort of roof problem prior to the raccoons becoming a problem.

The usual culprit is water damage, often at the roof edges where decking or fascia has rotted.  But, it takes the raccoons to expose these insidious water issues.

The raccoons come along, find the weakness, and make the problem worse.  The roof maintenance issue is now compounded by the presence of the raccoon.

Raccoon Removal | Trapping | Akron, Canton, Kent

If a raccoon has exploited a roof problem and you’d like it to stop, give us a call!

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Frontline Animal Removal offers professional raccoon removal for the communities in Summit, Stark, and Portage counties and around Kent, Canton, and Akron, OH.

We’ll remove the offending raccoons and make your home or business raccoon proof.

For more on our Raccoon Removal/Control please view our:

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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