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Raccoon Mating Season | Ohio

Around Christmas we posted a blog concerning Raccoon Activity in the Winter.

In that post we noted:

Most mating among Ohio raccoons occurs in February and March.  As the days lengthen (despite the cold) male raccoons sense the breeding season is just around the corner.  When hormones dictate their activity, it seems they don’t mind the weather so much.

Biologists agree that breeding season can begin as early as late January here in Ohio. So even now, the male raccoons are starting to undergo the hormonal changes that dictates the breeding season.

Scouting forays to locate nearby females are common and account for some of the raccoon activity we are called to help solve this time of year.

Well, now that it is Valentine’s Day and mid-February, the anticipated breeding season activity of that post is here.

Raccoon Removal Strategies | Video

From a trapping perspective, raccoon movement = the ability to trap them efficiently & successfully.

Despite the lingering cold and snow, we are motivated to set raccoon traps because we know that they will be on the move.  Males raccoons, especially, are covering ground trying to find receptive female raccoons.

In this video, Ryan demonstrates:

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A month ago, Ryan probably would have advised to wait a while before traps were set.  But, with movement in and out of denning sites regularly necessitated for breeding activity, trap setting is productive.

The set-up for this raccoon is very typical and all depends on raccoon movement.

From the inspection, Ryan knew where the raccoon was entering/exiting the home.  He was able to capture the animal quickly by putting a trap right in its travel path.

The box trap Ryan used in the video is triggered by wires that hang down in the middle of the trap.  The raccoon passes through the trap and brushes/pushes these pieces of wire.  There is no bait.

The wire around the trap connected to the home ensures the raccoon doesn’t slip around the trap.

If the raccoon enters or exits at that spot, it will be captured.

Akron, Canton, Kent OH  | Raccoon Control and Removal

Are amorous raccoons freeloading in your home this winter?  If you think so, give us a call.

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Their signs can be intermittent as the weather changes but, because of mating season, they are on the move and trappable.

The benefit of removing a pregnant or soon-to-be pregnant female from your attic now, before she gives birth, is significant.

For more on raccoons and raccoon removal here in the Canton, Akron, Kent area take a look at our other pages:

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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