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How to Repair Woodpecker Holes

Stark Bird ControlWoodpeckers make holes in wood and other building materials on and around people’s homes.

Why? Biologists tell us they do it to attract mates, establish territory, find food, and make spots in which to live.

Whatever the cause, woodpecker holes in your property are unsightly and can lead to more animal problems.

So what do you do with a woodpecker hole?  How do you repair it?

We’re glad you asked because Ryan made these videos just for you.

The first shows a repair for wood.  The second shows a repair specifically for woodpecker holes in stucco covered Styrofoam panels.

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Woodpecker Removal?

Some ask if we remove woodpeckers.  The best answer is sometimes, but only when a homeowner has gotten the correct permits.

Woodpeckers (as most all birds) are federally protected.

What that means is, generally speaking, woodpeckers are not allowed to be removed, killed, or otherwise harmed unless they are deemed a nuisance.

In extreme cases, property owners are allowed to petition the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife or the U.S. Department of Agriculture APHIS Wildlife Services (WS) for a special license/permit.  But, before either of these agencies would issue a permit, you can be sure they will suggest habitat modification first.

Thus habitat modification, non-harmful harassment, and making repairs is what we recommend to people with woodpecker problems.

Habitat modifications for woodpeckers include covering areas of damage with netting, mesh, or metal.

Non-harmful harassment includes noise making, hanging of shiny objects, and the use of all kinds of predator facsimiles.

Making repairs restores the property after the woodpecker has already moved on.

If the birds continue to be problematic, we can advise you how to go about obtaining a permit and help with the removal.

Bird Removal for Akron, Canton, Kent

While woodpeckers are protected, the big three nuisance birds which are considered invasive and have no protections are:

  • Starlings
  • English Sparrows
  • Pigeons

If you have these birds or their nests and they are a nuisance, give us a call.

Also give us a call if you would like to have woodpecker damage repaired.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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