(330) 437-5795

Animal Removal & Repair

A solution to a nuisance animal in a home is pretty simple in theory:

  1. Remove the unwanted animal
  2. Make a good repair

So, when animals get in, we get them out and keep them out.  That is our business model in a nutshell.

A lot of nuisance animal removal companies, however, don’t do much repair work.  These companies stick to trapping problem animals only.

Once these trappers leave, a separate contractor is often needed to do the repair/prevention work that needs performed for a lasting solution.

Full service nuisance animal removal professionals like Frontline Animal Removal are often able and willing to handle both parts of the job.

In fact, offering quality repair services is one of the ways we try to stand out from the crowd.  We think it makes a lot of sense to perform both aspects of the job and believe it is a real value to our clients.

However, just removing the animal or just making the repair is something we are comfortable with too.

Repair After Animal Removal

At Frontline Animal Removal we pride ourselves in providing quality animal removal AND repair/prevention services.

We don’t just remove animals.  We don’t just do home repairs.  We provide solutions by addressing the problem comprehensively.

Below is the exmple we’d like to offer this week.  It is typical of what we do.

The Problem


Here are some pictures of a very common animal removal and repair scenario.

What you are looking at is a hole in a piece of fascia along a roof line.

Squirrels were going in and out of it and running around in the roof space.

This is behind a gutter (which is unattched right not) and shows why repair is necessary.

The squirrels have been removed.  Now the area of damage needs fixed.

That’s what the next pictures will show.

After squirrel removal, getting the damaged fascia out so new fascia can go up is the first step.

With the rafter ends exposed now that the fascia is no longer visible you can see the openings inot the roof.

That is why aluminum wrapped fascia is used to block these areas.

Here, a new piece of fascia has been installed to cover that area.  It is free of old chewing and any water damage.

Now, new aluminum trim is cut and bent to fit.  It is securely installed over the new fascia board.  The top is secured under the drip edge and the bottom wraps up the eave.

The aluminum covering keeps water from (rain, snow, ice) from touching the wood that is behind there.  Keeping wood away from water prevents rot which is often an invitation to animal entry.

Age, rot, and substandard installation are top causes of trim becoming loose which invites animals in.  Tight installation of trim over the new fascia will help prevent further problems.

Finally, the gutter is reinstalled and the downspout is reattched.

It looks just like it is supposed to when it was new.

Except now the animals have been removed and the weakness that enabled their entry is no longer!

This is what animal removal and repair should look like.

It shows the repair ofwe often get called and find situations like the one to right. 

Animal Repair | Stark, Summit, Portage | Ohio

Getting the squirrels out AND fixing the hole provides the best solution.

We are experienced in home repairs and able to make most necessary repairs and modifications to prevent the problem from happening again.

When a repair job is too big (complete re-roof) for us or involves a unique skill set (re-building a chimney) we’ll let you know.

We provide quality workmanship, are competitively priced, and guarantee our work.

Full Service Squirrel Removal for Akron, Canton, Kent

Stopping nuisance animals is more than just animal removal.  It’s also about prevention and repair.

Even though our name is Frontline Animal Removal we want you to know that we offer repair as well.  It’s what makes us a full service operation.

Making professional, guaranteed repairs, we strive to be the go-to full service nuisance animal removal company in the Stark, Summit, Portage County, OH area.

We can remove your nuisance animals for sure, but we can also do the guaranteed repair work in an extremely professional manner.

If you live in the Akron / Canton / Kent , Ohio and are in need of professional animal removal AND animal damage repairs please give us a call today!

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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