Animals in Attic | Roof Vents
How do nuisance animals like bats, squirrels, birds, and raccoons get into attics?
While there are multiple ways, one of the most frequently seen access points is through roof vents; those holes we intentionally place in our roofs to allow airflow.
And while airflow is very important for roof health, poorly designed or installed vents may allow nuisance animals into attic spaces.
So, when it comes to the prevention of nuisance animals in our attic spaces, we all need to be aware that the design and installation of attic vents are important factors in determining the probability of animals breaching our defenses.
Roof Vent Tip | Bats, Squirrels, Birds
All roof vents are not created equal when it comes to keeping nuisance animals out. This is usually due to the fact that when they were designed, nuisance animals were not thought about.
Any vent with large openings and no screening has the potential to let animals inside.
In the following video, Ryan shows you one of these vents as well as an alternative.
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As you can see, some types of vents are just begging for animals to move in.
You want to have roof vents that provide as little opportunity for animals to move in as possible.
Prevention of Roof Vent Animals | Akron, Canton, Kent OH
As Ryan noted in the video, at this particular job he is changing out four roof vents of one style for the more animal-proof style. This change of vent style will help keep the attic animal-free. This is an option that can be taken once animals have already become an issue or if you are getting a new roof.
If you are getting a new roof soon, your choice of roof vent is something we highly encourage you and your roofing contractor to discuss.
But, if replacing the vents is not something your are comfortable with, another method of vent improvement is to cover them with a heavy gauge wire cage. This method is illustrated by the picture to the right.
This method is effective in stopping bigger animals like birds, gray squirrels, and raccoons. But, if little animals like bats or flying squirrels are the problem, this cover method may not be effective.
Some people are not too keen on the aesthetic of this look either, but that is up to the customer.
The bottom line is that Frontline Animal Removal is able to help Canton, Kent, and Akron area residents who have nuisance animal issues because of issues with their attic vents.
We can remove the problem animals and take steps to prevent them from becoming an issue again.
We can recommend and install attic vents that are designed with nuisance animal prevention in mind-keeping your attic animal free.
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