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Nuisance Animal Removal Videos

Not only does Ryan work hard removing nuisance animals and making repairs to keep them out, he also works hard to shoot videos while he’s on the job.

This hard work has helped us build a nice library of videos on YouTube that we hope are instructive and useful to people who have an interest in nuisance animal removal for one reason or the other.

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Integral to the weekly blog posts, the on-the-job videos and pictures also help us illustrate and highlight points about the nuisance animal removal topics we write about.

Right now, since it is such a busy time of year, we have some videos on hand that are current and worthy of sharing.

But, we don’t have individual blog posts prepared in which to showcase the videos.  Still we don’t want you to miss out on these timely topics.

Therefore, we offer a few nuisance animal removal videos that are mostly going to speak for themselves.  Enjoy.

One Reason Squirrels Get Into Houses

The first video shows a squirrel entry and explains why the squirrels took advantage of this spot.

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Squirrels don’t need any advantages when it comes to them getting into a home.  So, if some details are overlooked when repair are made, there is a higher likelihood squirrels will find them.

Raccoon in a Squirrel Trap

Think a hole is too small for a raccoon?  Think temporary patches will keep nuisance animals out for good?  This video shows the rare occurrence of catching a raccoon in a squirrel trap and shows what is likely to happen if permanent repairs are not made.

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Follow That Squirrel!

Curious where to start trapping nuisance squirrels?  An inspection is very important.  But, often times, observing the animals will lead you to the right spots to set up traps.

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Nuisance Animal Removal Pros | Akron, Canton, Kent

Sharing blog posts and video, Frontline Animal Removal invites you on the job so you see what nuisance animal animal removal is all about.

If you have a wild animal issue and give us a call, this is the same sort of work that we’ll perform at your home or business.

We invite you to look through old posts and check out our videos; you may find a situation that is very similar to yours.  You can see how we approach the job and give it a try.  If you’d like us to do the work, you can see we have a lot of experience and success with solving nuisance animal issues.

Finally, thanks for reading and watching.  We appreciate your being there.

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