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A Simple Modification to Improve the Comstock Cage Trap

At Frontline Animal Removal, we are always on the lookout for ways to improve our techniques and tools to ensure the highest success rates in wildlife removal.

Our dedication to providing top-notch service to the residents of Stark, Summit, and Portage Counties in the Canton, Akron, and Kent, Ohio area means we continuously seek out and share practical tips to enhance our operations.

This week, we’re excited to share a simple yet effective modification that Ryan, our experienced operator, uses when setting the Comstock Cage Trap.  You can jump right to our video where Ryan explains it all or continue to read on.

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The Comstock Cage Trap is renowned for its strength and effectiveness. It features a robust triggering mechanism activated when an animal passes trigger wires inside the trap.

According to the Comstock Cage Trap website and various online reviews, this trap is a favorite among wildlife removal professionals for its reliability and durability. However, even great tools can be improved with a bit of ingenuity.

Comstock Cage Trigger Modification

Ryan’s modification focuses on the trigger wires, which are designed to come on and off the trigger posts easily. This design is beneficial because it allows for quick replacements and ensures the wires don’t get mangled by the trapped animal, making them reusable. The slip-on nature of the wires is certainly preferable to fixed trigger wires. However, there is a small issue: sometimes, an animal can knock a trigger wire off the post before triggering the trap, leading to missed catches.

A thumbnail for a post on modifying the trigger wires of a Comstock cage trap.To address this, Ryan makes a slight bend in the trigger wires close to where they slip on the trigger posts. You can clearly see it in the video above or this picture to the right.

This simple adjustment increases the tension, making the wires stay on more securely. As a result, there are fewer instances of animals knocking the wires off and failing to trigger the trap.

This small modification leads to a significant improvement in the trap’s performance, as it reduces the number of missed captures. After all, our goal is zero misses.

For a detailed visual explanation of this modification, we invite you to watch our YouTube video where Ryan demonstrates the technique. The video can be found here.

Sharing What Works

At Frontline Animal Removal, we believe in sharing our knowledge and experience with our community. We hope this tip helps other professionals and DIY enthusiasts improve their trapping success. Remember, the key to effective wildlife removal is not just having the right tools but also knowing how to use them to their full potential.  If this tip was helpful, pass it on.  And don’t forget to give us a link on a forum or a like on social media!

Stay tuned to our blog for more tips, insights, and updates on our services.

If you have any questions or need professional wildlife removal services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you keep your property safe and wildlife-free.

Thank you for reading, and happy trapping!


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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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