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A Clever Chipmunk Trapped

At Frontline Animal Removal, we’ve seen our fair share of wildlife intrusions. From raccoons nesting in attics to squirrels chewing their way into homes, there’s little that surprises us anymore.

However, every now and then, we come across a case that stands out for its uniqueness and ingenuity. Today, we want to share with you one such intriguing story about a clever little chipmunk that turned a set of double doors into its personal entrance.

The Unexpected Intruder

Chipmunks, those small, striped members of the squirrel family, are typically outdoor creatures. When they do find their way into buildings, it’s usually through small holes or gaps in the exterior—tiny openings that often go unnoticed by homeowners. This story, however, involves a chipmunk that took a completely different route to gain entry into a building.

Located in the Canton, Akron, and Kent areas, we were called out to a building where employees had noticed a chipmunk darting inside every time the double doors opened. This wasn’t a one-time occurrence; the chipmunk had been making its way into the building consistently over the course of two weeks. Our task was clear: figure out how this little guy was getting in and remove him safely.

The Clever Chipmunk’s Strategy

When Ryan arrived at the building he received reports of how the chipmunk was getting in and out from staff who witnessed it.  It was using the doors and timing its movements with peoples’ opening of the doors. This is unique.

Typically, we look for any potential entry points around the building’s exterior, but this time, things were different. We found out from staff where he was going-the deli-and what he was eating.  In this case chocolate was a preferred food!

Watch this video as Ryan explains:

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It was a unique occurrence for sure–especially baiting with chocolate. If an animal is getting a consistent food reward don’t hesitate to use that for luring an animal into a trap.

This case highlights the adaptability of wildlife in urban environments to secure their needs..

Akron, Canton, Kent Wildlife Removal

At Frontline Animal Removal, we’re always ready to tackle the unexpected.

This clever chipmunk story is a reminder of the surprises nature can bring and the importance of staying vigilant about wildlife intrusions.

If you’re experiencing any wildlife issues, whether common or unusual, in Stark, Summit, or Portage Counties, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to provide effective, humane solutions for all your nuisance wildlife problems.

Stay tuned to our blog for more interesting stories and tips on keeping your home wildlife-free!

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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