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Raccoon Hot Spot!

To the right is a picture of a roof transition that is a VERY common point of entry for raccoons and squirrels.

Spots like these (where the soffit and eave of one roof intersect with another roof) are great spots for animals because they are protected and easy to get into.

With a great working platform from the roof below, raccoons have no problem moving the soffit panels tucked up under the overhang.  They push or pull these aside and then get into the soffit or attic if it is open in there.

Entrances like these are highly sought by raccoons.  Spots like these are some of the first we look at when starting a new job.

Long Time Problem

Ryan recently went to a house that was having raccoon issues in the attic.

He found an entrance where two roofs met and set up a trap to catch raccoons coming or going.

To say the least, this is a well-known spot for many raccoons.  Take a look.

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As noted in the video, Ryan wasn’t doing anything extra to draw raccoons to this spot.  All of these raccoons were familiar with this spot and wanted to use it.

It is standard practice for us to set up on an exit/entrance like this and operate it until nothing is being caught for a few days.  This assures us that 1) No animals remain inside and the repair can be made 2) The animals familiar with this spot and might cause trouble to the repair are removed from the equation.

What is surprising is that so many raccoons know about this enrance and were drawn there on consecutive nights.  Two or three raccoons is much more common.

But, in nuisance wildlife trapping, the unexpected often occurs.

Raccoon Trapping & Removal | Akron, Canton, Kent

Whether it is just one raccoon or many,  Frontline Animal Removal has the experience and tools to help solve the raccoon issue.

We will identify the issue and correct it all the ay throught the repair stage.

Help is only a phone call away.


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