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Unique Nuisance Animal Problems

squirrels in chimneyNuisance animal removal jobs have a lot of similarities:

  • An animal is in the house and people want them out
  • They are removed through trapping or exclusion
  • The area where the animals were getting in is repaired

And though many jobs are similar in how they are solved, each one is just a little different.

The ones that differ the most tend to be more memorable as devising a unique solution makes the job interesting.

Ryan found a unique chimney design on a recent job which called for a unique solution.  We thought we’d share it with you.

Squirrels in the Chimney & Attic?

Squirrels love attics and we often find them chewing their way in through wood or vinyl or aluminum.

But, squirrels don’t usually like to use chimneys.  (Never say never when it comes to nuisance animals!)

But what if the chimney flue didn’t lead to a furnace or a fireplace?  What if the flue was short and led right to the attic?  Do you think squirrels would key in on it then?  You bet they would!

On a recent squirrel removal job, Ryan found the unique situation where two chimney flues led straight into the attic.  Strange but true.

The best he can figure is that whoever designed this house thought it would be a good idea to incorporate the look of a wide chimney into needed attic ventilation.  Top-side attic ventilation is standardly accomplished with ridge vents, gable vents, attic fans, or pod vents. 

At this house, two short flues were built into the chimney above the roof line which led directly to the attic. They probably did an okay job of ventilating the attic, but not so good a job at keeping squirrels out.

Take a look:

Unique Solutions for Squirrels | Akron, Canton, Kent

Trapping these squirrels followed the same concepts we typically use:  route them through traps to remove the offenders and perform an exclusion.

But, as you saw, this one looks different from a lot of attic squirrel removals because the exit/entrance is not typical. 

In fact, this squirrel job is more similar to a raccoon removal job Ryan did earlier this year.  (When following this link make sure you scroll down to the video, Plan C)

The bottom line is that atypical animal removal jobs just call for a little creativity and are still able to be solved efficiently. Those that are a little different just add the welcome variety needed to keep a nuisance animal remover sharp.

If you would like squirrels living in your structure removed give us a call.

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Not only can we remove the squirrels, we can also fix any damage the squirrels did or existing problems that led to squirrels.

We have the knowledge and experience to comprehensively solve your squirrel issues.

For more:

Squirrel Removal Page

Squirrel Removal Posts

Squirrel Removal Videos

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