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Squirrels Damage Ridge Vent

Ryan was recently called to a home because the homeowner had seen squirrels chewing on the ridge vent.

The homeowner didn’t want squirrels in the attic and wanted to know if they had gotten in anywhere.

The good news for the homeowner was that the squirrels had not gotten inside!  There was a lot of chewing, but no holes all the way through…yet!

Left to continue chewing, the chances that squirrels will get in are fairly high.  And, the damage they have created could be an invitation to bats, birds, or even raccoons.

This begs the question, “What can be done?”.

In this case, there is a product available that is tailor-made for this situation.  It is called Ridge-Guard and will attach over what is there and keep critters out.

More on that after you watch this video that shows exactly what the problem looks like.

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Keeping Animals Out of Ridge Vents

Attic vents are designed to let air out.  Sometimes, though, they let animals in!

When nuisance animals are in the attic, ridge vents are often the openings animals are using to get in.

Small animals like bats and flying squirrels are particularly notorious for getting into attics at ridge vents.

And while there are different styles of ridge vent,  the trouble comes when they move over time because of age and weathering.  When they move, gaps big enough for the animals to get in often remain.

Bigger animals like gray squirrels and raccoons find the gaps and expand them with more destruction.   Or, like we were talking about above, the squirrels just start to chew on them.

The product called Ridge-Guard keeps animals out and is installed without much hassle.

In the past, we dealt with animal-intruded ridge vents by pulling up the ridge vents, screening with tight meshed, galvanized wire and then reinstalling ridge vents.  See this blog with video from 2015 to see how we did it just 6 years ago.

This kept animals out for good but it also was labor intensive.

In the past couple of years we have alternatively started to use the Ridge-Guard product instead.

Here’s a video from within the last year which shows the product in greater detail.

Ridge-Guard is well designed, strong and easy to install.  It keeps animals out and that’s why we like it.

See Ridge-Guard’s website here:


We aren’t getting paid to advertise for Ridge-Guard.  This review is just about us sharing a good product.

Squirrel Removal & Prevention| Akron, Canton Kent

If you are in our service area need squirrels removed or prevented with Ridge-Guard we definitely can do it for you.

Squirrels get in at many spots.

Frontline Animal Removal has the experience and know-how to find out where they are getting in, get them out, and make the trouble area whole again.

We use the best materials and products we find to get the job done efficiently and correctly.

Give us  call for all of your squirrel needs today!


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