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Three Raccoons Trapped

At Frontline Animal Removal, we pride ourselves on our expertise in nuisance wildlife management.

Recently, Ryan did a raccoon removal job that perfectly illustrates our innovative approach and dedication to efficient solutions. Read on and watch the video as we share the details of a unique three-trap setup.   It shows why you can’t go wrong hiring Frontline Animal Removal if you have a wildlife issue and are in the Canton, Akron, and Kent area.

The Situation

A client reached out to us after seeing raccoons on the roof and hearing noises in their soffit—a common sign of raccoon activity.

Upon inspection, Ryan discovered a raccoon hanging out in inside the soffit.  He tried to get it to move into a trap but it wouldn’t. It quickly became apparent that other raccoons were preventing this one from leaving. This blockage indicated that there were multiple raccoons involved, which prompted Ryan to devise a plan for their efficient removal.

Determined to safely and efficiently capture all raccoons, Ryan set up a trio of traps at the entrance of the soffit rather than just one trap.

He used double-door traps, which are designed to allow easy access for the raccoons while ensuring a secure capture.

By employing some wire and positioning the traps on the roof, Ryan created an effective trapping system.  The strategic placement of the traps allowed for a clear exit route for the raccoons.

When night fell, the raccoons ventured out, and thanks to the carefully designed setup, one raccoon entered the first trap, triggering the doors and securing its capture. The other raccoons, now unhindered, had the option to exit through the remaining traps.

The process unfolded as designed. The second raccoon soon followed suit and exited through the second trap, becoming the second successful capture of the night.

The third raccoon, still with an avenue to escape, ultimately found its way into the third trap, completing the successful removal of all three raccoons in one evening.

This three-trap strategy not only showcases Ryan’s creativity but also highlights the effectiveness of using the right tools and techniques for wildlife removal. Our approach minimizes stress for the animals while ensuring that we resolve the issue swiftly for our clients.

Here is the video which explains it:

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The Importance of Professional Wildlife Removal

Handling raccoon removal on your own can be tricky. These animals can be unpredictable, and attempting to capture them without the right equipment can be frustrating.

If you’re facing a similar raccoon problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to Frontline Animal Removal.

Our expertise allows us to craft tailored solutions for any wildlife situation. We understand that these encounters can be stressful, but with our dedicated team by your side, you can rest assured that your home will be wildlife-free in no time.

Remember, when it comes to nuisance wildlife removal, you can count on Frontline Animal Removal for efficient and professional service. Let us handle the critters so you can enjoy peace of mind in your home once again!

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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