(330) 437-5795

Baby Raccoon Hard to Access

Throughout spring Frontline Animal Removal gets mother raccoons and their babies out of homes.

Each job is a little different because of where the mom and babies are in a given structure.  This post features a description and video from a recent raccoon removal and repair job.  You’ll be able to see one example of raccoon removal and repair.

The common goals in all raccoon removals in spring are:

  • Remove the mother raccoon
  • Make sure all the baby raccoons are out
  • Seal up access so it doesn’t happen again

At a recent job, attic access to get one of the baby raccoons was a little tricky.  That is because there was no easy attic access.  Ryan looked at the available options and discussed the situation with the homeowner.  Below is the description of how access and repair were accomplished.

Gable Vent Used & Repaired

During the inspection, Ryan found out the mother raccoon located and then made more damage to a neglected gable vent.  That is how she got in and out of the attic.

This meant that once the job was complete, the vent would need repaired anyway.  Repairing this access prevents other nuisance animals from going in at the same spot.

Therefore, opening up the vent was the best choice to get into the attic.  It would be messy but it would be effective.

The baby was located and removed leaving the area raccoon-free but needing repair.

In this video you can see the solution Ryan (with the homeowner’s input) came up with.

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This repair works because it is:

  • Solid– no weak spots for animals to get in at
  • Weather proof– the aluminum covering and sealing where needed keeps rain and snow out
  • Cost-effective– It would look good to put new vinyl siding over this area and whole house, but that is not in the current budget
  • Allows Attic Access– Ryan screwed it all together meaning this attic can be accessed again without much difficulty

Another Example of Baby Raccoon Removal

This second job needed dismantled as well in order to get to the baby raccoons.

These pictures show where the entry was and the removal video is below.

The site of raccoon baby removal

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Animal Removal & Repairs

Getting nuisance wild animals like baby and adult raccoons, squirrels and bats out of homes is the essence of our business.

Yet, making repairs to damaged areas is what keeps animals out in the long term adding a lot of value to our removal service.

Prevention is very important!

If you need a company to get the animals out and KEEP them out by making solid repairs, give Frontline Animal Removal a call.

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