Trapping Squirrels
Here in the Akron, Canton, Kent, Ohio area there is a high population of squirrels.
Most of these squirrels live in nests located in neighborhood trees and are rarely viewed as a problem.
But when the squirrel populations get high, good nesting spots are taken, or good old opportunity presents itself, squirrels are known to chew right into our houses and make themselves at home in our homes.
Having squirrels in the house is not a good thing. It is both a nuisance and a hazard.
Squirrel Trapping Basics
The first step in trapping most home invading squirrels is to find out how the squirrels are getting in. This is accomplished by a thorough inspection of the house. Areas of interest are obvious holes, fascia, vents, and soffits.
Once the holes are found the strategy is to trap these pest squirrels is to place a trap right by each of the entrance/exit points and make sure the squirrels have no way out unless they take the time and energy to chew another hole or go through the one way door into the trap. Almost always, the squirrel will take the path of least resistance.
To accomplish this strategy we use wire to secure and narrow the entry/exits as needed and mount one way door traps by the holes.
Both pictures above show versions of this.
Do-it-yourselfers take note, this type of trap is not available at most hardware stores. You’ll have to order them off the internet.
Other standard cage traps with bait like nuts and peanut butter cab be mounted around these exit/entrance covering traps to catch other squirrels in the area.
Repairing Squirrel Damage
Once the squirrels have been removed, a homeowner should consider repair work and prevention.
In example above, at minimum the gable vent needs replaced.
In the other case, the roof edge hole needs repaired.
When we remove the traps we discuss options with the homeowner because we don’t want to see the problem reoccur.
There is a cost associated with repair that needs to be balanced with having nuisance trappers come out again when new squirrels take advantage of the situation if the repairs are not made.
Most reputable nuisance animal control companies like Frontline Animal Removal offer repair services.
Just be careful and ask a lot of questions as to aesthetics; not all animal removal companies have skilled repair specialists like we do.
If you want to learn more about squirrel removal or see more pictures, take a look around the rest of our web site.