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Raccoons Use Close Trees

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again, “Trim those trees!”

Tree close to houseTrees too close to a structure give nuisance animals an unfair advantge.  And when it comes to getting into our homes, they often need no more help.

A tree or large bush too close to a house provides an easy pathway to a roof.

The more time animals like squirrels or raccoons spend on your roof, the higher the likelihood they find a weakness there and work their way inside.

Trees also shed leaves onto roofs which clog gutters.  Clogged gutters make water overflow onto building elements.  Over time, the water-soaked building elements rot.  Nuisance animals love to take advantage of wood rot.

No matter which way you look at it, trees too close to a home often leads to nuisance animal problems.

Easy Raccoon Access

Here is a recent video which shows some trees too close to a house.

Ryan found the evidence that a raccoon loved this easy pathway.

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In addition to the raccoon problem, you can also see that the tree itself is damaging the actual structure.  This is extreme.  As Ryan said, these trees have to go.

Raccoon Removal | Akron, Canton, Kent

We aren’t in the business of removing large trees right next to houses.

But, we can take care of the raccoon problems these trees invite in the meantime.

Frontline Animal Removal has the experience to take care of your raccoon problem fromt the removal to the repair.

Give us a call today to see how we can help.

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