Website Transfer a Success…(Mostly)!
We have transitioned our website from a Weebly created site to a WordPress created site! Hooray!
If you are like we were a couple of years ago, this makes little to no sense. But, believe us, it has been a long journey to get here.
When you create and manage your own website and are learning as you go, there are many instances when things get a little dicey.
Talk about learning things the hard way! We’ve had no formal training in website development, so our animal removal business adventure has had this whole other fascinating and often troubling facet to it.
Getting squirrels or raccoons out of an attic is often preferrable to sitting at the computer trying to make the website we want.
Please continue to bear with us as development continues. We want to create a visually rich and informative site that potential customers look at and end up saying to themselves, “Ok, these guys aren’t half bad. I am going to call the Frontline Animal Removal Team and let them solve my nuisance animal problem.”
Viva la Internet and thanks to all the people who post in discussion forums on computer issues. Words to remember and live by…You are not the first one to experience this problem. Rely on others’ experiences.