Frontline Animal Removal’s Blog
Join us weekly for new content covering the wonderful world of nuisance animal removal and repair!
In these posts you’ll find: tips, job examples, videos, opinions, etc.
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How Do Raccoons Find Holes?
Raccoons Find Ways Inside For those with a raccoon living in their structure, there is often frustration with the situation and a questioning about how this unlucky condition came to be. Many of our clients who need raccoon removal often feel unlucky that their house...
Wet Roof Raccoons
Raccoons & Wet Roofs Why do raccoons happen? This is a question we often address in our posts and today we offer another video example. Raccoons are often the result of weak roofs. Roofs that are weakened because of long-term water damage are one of the top...
Hidden Fascia Squirrel
Squirrels Through Fascia One of the most common areas where squirrel get into homes is through the fascia board: the board that runs horizontally along the outer edge of the eave. It is the board right behind the gutter. This picture, for example, shows a...
Bat Proofing
Bat Proofing Quality In theory, bat proofing isn’t too difficult…Just find all the spots bats can get in and seal them. Right? But, as we all know, putting theory into action is usually better accomplished by the experienced and proficient. In practice, all bat...
Shifting Electric Service Squirrels
Squirrels in Soffit | Gaps Opened Squirrels and other nuisance animals are opportunists. If they find an opening into your house, there's a high likelihood they'll take advantage of the opportunity. Today we show another example of a squirrel taking advantage of an...
Metal Roof Squirrels
Poor Roof Installation = Squirrels One of the common topics in our blog posts is the connection between problems with a home's exterior and how nuisance animals exploit those problems. Time after time, we see examples of homes that have roofing, siding, soffit, or...
Camera Aids Trapping
Knowledge Aids Efficient Trapping At some jobs we like to use a cellular game camera to keep an eye on entrances and traps. The motion-activated camera sends pictures and alerts when animals are present. This helps understand what animals are present, how they are...
Bat Removal Time
Bat Removal & Prevention Happy September! With young bats flying and Ohio's bat laws stating we're good to go---Bat Removal and Prevention Season is in high gear. Therefore, we’d like to reiterate some of the basics of bat removal and prevention in this week's...
No One Considered Animals
Design Helps Animals Where can animals get in? What are that house's weak points? When looking at a home's exterior, these are the sorts of questions that first go through the mind of a nuisance animal control professional. Seeing example after example of how...