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How can you make a regular old squirrel trap become one of the world’s best squirrel trap?

Take it from us, its not difficult or expensive!

In fact, you’ll only need some duct tape, a scrap piece of wood or plastic, and a little patience.  In no time at all, you’ll have an awesome squirrel trap.

Trapping Squirrels in a Live Trap

To start with, you’ll need a live trap sized for squirrels. We use cage traps that are 18″ by 5″ by 5″.

We aren’t paid endorsers, but the brands we typically use are Safeguard and Tomahawk.

One of these traps costs in the $35 range.  Once you have acquired a cage trap designed for squirrels, the rest is pretty easy.

    First, we recommend covering the back three quarters of the trap with duct tape, placed sticky side towards the inside of the trap.  The tape can be be any color you like but the standard grey or black tape works well.  We usually use black.

    Next, find a small piece of wood or plastic to place into the trap behind the triggering device.  It just needs to be big enough to raise the bait up off the floor of the trap so the squirrel can see the bait easily.  You’re basically just making a bait platform.  Light colors work well as the covered trap will be dark in the trap.

    See, that was easy.  But if you are a visual person we recommend watching this video.

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    As you saw in the video, the last modification is something you can’t really do until you catch your first squirrel and that is get the trap smelling all squirrely.

    But with the first two modifications, we are confidant that with a little patience you’ll catch a squirrel soon.

    Then, with some great squirrel smells coming from your trap in addition to the bait smells, you will have a high functioning squirrel trap!

    Squirrel Trapping Pros | Akron, Canton, Kent

    Squirrel trapping isn’t difficult for the DIYer with the right equipment and some time.

    But, we understand that a lot of people would like some help trapping squirrels.

    And, when we trap squirrels from homes we have other methods that make the removal more efficient.

    Additionally, repairs are very important to the long term success of a squirrel removal.

    So, if you’d like help in the Akron, Canton, Kent Ohio area removing squirrels and making repairs, please give us a call.


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    FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
    Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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