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Removing Bats & Keeping Them Out

As September comes to a close, the bat removal/bat proofing season is starting to wind down.  Suffice to say, its been a busy time getting bats out of structures here in NE Ohio and taking steps to ensure they can’t get back inside.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the processes of bat removal and bat-proofing to ensure your home remains bat-free. In the video included in today’s post, Ryan shows a classic bat entry.  The video is also good in that it shows the installation of a bat tube and the caulking to either side of it.

While bats are essential for our ecosystem, having them roosting in your home is not preferable. Not only can their presence be unsettling, but it can also pose health risks and structural damage to your property.

Understanding Bat Behavior

Before diving into the removal and prevention methods, it’s crucial to understand bat behavior. Bats are nocturnal creatures, which means they’re most active at night. During the day, they seek dark and secluded spaces to rest, often choosing attics, eaves, or wall voids in homes as their roosting spots. To effectively remove them, you need to be aware of their habits and entry points.

Step 1: Inspection and Identification

The first step in bat removal is identifying their entry points and roosting locations. This process requires a trained eye, as bats can access your home through small openings that may go unnoticed by the untrained observer. Common entry points include gaps in roofing, vents, and damaged siding.

Step 2: Bat Removal

Bat removal should always be handled by professionals to ensure the safety of both the bats and homeowners. Nuisance animal removal experts use humane exclusion methods to encourage the bats to leave your home naturally. This involves installing one-way bat doors or tubes at the entry points. These devices allow bats to exit but prevent them from re-entering.

The processes are shown in the video included here.

Ryan first points out a “classic” bat entry point and gives tips on how you may spot it.  Then he’ll show you the bat exclusion device he put in place to let the bats get out but not re-enter.

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Bat-Proofing Your Building 

Bat-proofing is the key to preventing a reinfestation. It involves sealing all potential entry points to ensure bats can’t return to your home.

Once the bats get kicked out they are going to want to get back in.  They’ll explore the structure searching for other ways in. This means the whole structure needs addressed–all the potential points of bat entry/bat use have to be included in the plan.

So, the extent of the job depends upon how many potential areas of use need modified.

The modifications to the structure typically include:

  • Screening- Sometimes bats access vents that are necessary.  Properly installed screens with fine mesh prevent bats from getting into openings that have to stay.
  • Siding, soffit, flashing, and fascia repair- Bats often get into attics through roofing/siding elements that are old, damaged, or installed improperly.  Sometimes the best way to bat-proof is to replace the piece that is letting the bats in.
  • Caulking/Sealing- Often times, a good portion of bat-proofing is devoted to filling in small gaps that exist in building pieces without replacing them entirely.  This is accomplished through sealing the existing gaps with filler material and a high quality caulk.

For more, here are a couple of older posts that tie in well.

How Do Bats Get In?

A Bat Tube in Action

Bat Removal | Bat-Proofing | Stark, Summit, Portage Counties

Bat removal and bat-proofing are essential steps to safeguard your home from these fascinating but sometimes troublesome creatures.

By understanding bat behavior, employing professional removal techniques, and thoroughly bat-proofing your home, you can live in peace, knowing that your property is secure and bat-free.

If you suspect a bat infestation in your home, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable nuisance animal removal company. Their expertise can make all the difference in ensuring the safe and humane removal of bats and the long-term protection of your home.

In the Akron, Canton, Kent Ohio area, please give Frontline Animal Removal a call.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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