by FrontlineGuy Dominic | May 26, 2013 | Raccoon Removal, Squirrel Removal
Raccoon and Squirrel Removal | Barberton, Norton & Akron Today May 24, 2013–Busy day today for Ryan as he traveled around southwest Summit county. Ryan had job involving raccoons and squirrels in Barberton, Norton, and Akron. In all these instances, the...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | May 20, 2013 | Raccoon Removal
Raccoon Chimney Removal A challenge for our blog readers… Look closely…Can you find the raccoon in this picture? We know it is not the easiest to make out. But there is that distinctive “bandit mask” sticking out on the left side from the...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | May 14, 2013 | Raccoon Removal
Raccoons Removed From Chimney We were recently called by homeowners with a raccoon problem in the City of Green, Ohio. They had heard strange noises in the chimney and suspected a nuisance wild animal had moved in. Racoon problems are common in Ohio and we went to...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Nov 15, 2012 | Gutter Maintenance, Raccoon Removal
Clogged Gutters Lead to Animal Problems My favorite time of the year is when the leaves are turning and signs of winter are just around the corner. But, after the color blast the leaves have to go somehwere. Many of them end up in gutters and downspouts. Is there a...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Nov 2, 2012 | Raccoon Removal
Are Raccoons a Health Risk? The raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) is a parasite you need to be concerned with if you have raccoons around or in your home. The raccoon roundworm infects the intestinal tract of raccoons. For the most part raccoons suffer from...
by FrontlineGuy Dominic | Oct 13, 2012 | Raccoon Removal
Fall Raccoon Invasion Akron Canton Area Every year at the end of summer and the beginning of Fall, raccoons begin to move back into attics. Now that it is fall, attics are cool and comfortable for raccoons. Raccoons in urban and suburban areas have learned to look for...