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Flying Squirrels & Bats: Many Similarities

Ryan went to a home to inspect for sounds in the wall at night.

As part of the inspection, he looked around the house as best as he could and in the attic.  While in the attic, he found bat guano- one of the best signs that bats are using this space.

Subtle noises at night in the attic and walls makes sense with bats.  But, it could also be an indicator of mice or flying squirrels.  Seeing the guano was a sure sign of a bat issue, so bat exclusion and bat proofing was the decided on course of action.

While bat-proofing (sealing-up possible entry gaps on the exterior) Ryan found a small hole that looked like it was made by a flying squirrel.  He put a trap over the hole and a flyer was in the trap the next day!

So now we know that two nocturnal species that cause noises in the attic and walls have been here.  Take a look.

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Common Approach for Bats & Flyers

Dealing with bats and flying squirrels is very similar.

  1.  They exit via one-doors and aren’t let back in.  The bats go out to fly one night and can’t get back in.  The squirrels go into a trap and are removed.
  2. They are sealed out by making repairs.  The bats come back but can’t enter because the entries are sealed.  No openings are left for future flying squirrels to get in because repairs have been made.

Bat-proofing and flying-flying proofing involves finding and repairing the small gaps these tiny critters use to get into homes.

How do we deal with Flying Squirrels?

Dealing with Flying Squirrels

How do we deal with Bats?

Bat Proofing

Bat Removal | Flying Squirrel Removal | Akron, Canton, Kent

Maybe you aren’t sure what kind of critter is living in your attic.  No matter, give us a call and start a conversation about finding a solution.  Sometimes it takes a look around to see exactly what the trouble is.  And, as you saw above, sometimes there are a couple of issues.

We’ll sort it out as we’ve been doing for Stark, Summit & Portage County residents for over 10 years.  Put our experience to work for you.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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