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Grubs Invite Raccoons & Skunks

If your yard has grubs, raccoons and skunks are usually not too far behind.  That’s because raccoons and skunks find grubs delicious! 

In fact, a prepared bait we sometimes use to lure these animal is called Grub Paste.  Open the jar and a sticky, fragrant goo of grubs is at your finger tips.  Skunks and raccoons love it.

The grubs damage the lawn on their own as they eat the roots of the grass.  Throw in raccoons and skunk trying to get to the grubs, and the damage to the lawn intensifies.  This is often the point where we are called.

Raccoons do the most damage to lawns. They cause heavy damage because they grab the tear and rip up chunks of sod.  Skunks, in contrast, make pretty small holes when looking for grubs and only tear out circular plugs of grass.

A raccoon or two can do a lot of damage to a lawn in one night. 

This picture shows what raccoon damage from grubs might look like.

Ryan explains it in this recent video.

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Solutions to Grubbing Raccoons

There are two ways to deal with this situation. 

The first way is prevention– grub control.  We’re not lawn experts by any means, but we do know there are products out there to control grubs.  If there were no grubs in the lawn in the video, chances are there wouldn’t have been that much damage to the sod. 

The second way to deal with the current damage is to trap the raccoons that are doing the digging. 

This approach is a temporary fix but it limits damage in the short term. It can stop the damage in the short term until the grubs can be eliminated.

At the end of this older video (which also shows raccoon damage), a couple of raccoons that were back for more were captured.

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Grubs Hit Home

Even as this post is written, I know I have grubs in my own postage stamp of a lawn.  I also saw raccoon and skunk damage the last time I mowed the lawn.  I’ll go out and show you.

Here’s the raccoon damage.  Its right at the curb which makes sense because I’ve seen raccoons using the storm sewer jsut a couple of houses down.

This shows some skunk-made holes and the grass they removed making them.  there have been a lot of skunks around this year.


Trap Raccoons & Skunks | Akron, Canton, Kent

Here at Frontline Animal Removal, we can’t help you make your yard grub-free.  We’ll leave that to you or another service provider.  

But, we can remove the animals that are coming to your yard and its grub buffet.  This will help limit damage in the short-term.

If you’d like to find out about our raccoon and skunk removal services, give us a call today.


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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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