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Trapping Soffit Raccoons

The soffit you see out of place in this picture didn’t just fall out of place on it’s own.

Those now-dangling pieces of aluminum giving free access into the eave are like that because of a raccoon.

As is very common, a raccoon was snooping around a roof edge and found that the soffit was easily moved.  In a snap, access into the eaves was attained and a raccoon problem was created.

If this describes your situation or you want to know more about soffit dwelling raccoons and how to get them out, keep reading.  We’ve got some video as well.

Raccoons Love Soffits as Entry Points

raccoons in soffitA top method for raccoons to get into eaves or roofs is to make entry through the soffit.

That is because typical soffit installation isn’t raccoon-proof by any measure.

For review, when we refer to soffit we are talking about the material that covers the underside of a roof overhang.  It is depicted by the blue piece in this diagram.  Soffits are typically made of vinyl, aluminum, or wood.

When soffit is installed, there are a few ways the soffit material is affixed between the wall of the structure and the roof overhang.  The soffit can be nailed in place, especially if it is wood.  But, a common method with vinyl and aluminum that is not depicted in this picture is the use of special mounting strips which hold the edges of the soffit.

When done well, a soffit installation is snug and secure but not rock solid.   The wind or a bird won’t be able to move it.  But, a raccoon that flexes it and gets a grip on an edge will probably be able to pull a piece loose.  That’s how they often get in.

When not well done, poorly installed soffit is too loose and can fall away from where it is intended to be.  Measuring, cutting, and affixing errors often come into play here.  Raccoons don’t even have to work to get past poorly installed soffit.

Raccoon Trapping at the Soffit

Since they are weak points, soffits often attract raccoon attention.

Subsequently, these soffits attract our attention when it comes time to get the raccoons out and keep them out.

The openings into soffits are great places to catch the raccoons because these openings clearly define the raccoons’ travel path.  And, when it comes to raccoon prevention, the high risk soffit is a great place to start.

In this video, Ryan explains and shows some strategies for raccoon removal and prevention concerning soffits.

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The trapping plan for this building revolves around where the raccoons get in and out of the building and how they get there.

First, Ryan set two baited traps on the ground by the downspouts the raccoons were using to climb the building.  Often, a baited trap will attract the raccoon’s attention and facilitate removal.  Then, to be sure nothing is going in or out without being caught, the openings are blocked by materials or a trap.  He blocked the first opening completely and the second opening was covered with a trap.

The trap covering the opening into the soffit caught two raccoons.  It was their only way in or out.  This method also assures that nothing else is moving in or out as long as the trap remains clear.

Preventing Raccoons from Getting in at the Soffit

akron soffit raccoonAs you can see, these downspouts provide a great ladder to the roof line and a perch to work off of when trying to get leverage to move soffit panels.  It wasn’t designed to help the raccoons but that’s what this design is doing.

Therefore, in order to keep future raccoons out, the soffits at these downspouts call for reinforcement.  The method by which we reinforce easy to reach soffit is by stiffening up the installation with plywood.  Installing at least 1/2 ” plywood behind the reachable soffit assures that there is no flex to the soffit panels and the panels can be anchored in place.  This way the soffit in these high risk zones can’t be moved out of the way or pulled down.  It is, in essence, raccoon-proof.

Akron, Canton, Kent OH | Raccoon | Trapping, Removal, Prevention

For more on dealing with trouble making raccoons in the soffit, attic, or house please see:

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Frontline Animal Removal offers professional, humane, and efficient removal of raccoons for all communities in the Stark, Portage, Summit County Metro Area.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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