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Roof, Soffit & Fascia Repairs

Squirrel chewRemoving nuisance animals like squirrels, raccoons, and bats from homes is certainly what we do.

But, getting animals out of homes is only one of the services we offer when it comes to providing lasting solutions for a nuisance animal issue.  In fact, trapping or otherwise removing nuisance animals is often just the first step.

In the picture to the right, it is easy to see where animals access this structure.  Getting them out is important, but fixing that hole is too.

The rest of the process- making repairs, doing prevention work, keeping animals out- are the less obvious, but probably more important, services we provide.

In this post we take the opportunity to highlight some recent repairs which underscore the necessity of repairs .

Repairs = Prevention

Let’s start with a hole in the roof.

Holes in roofs let water and animals in.  In the slides below, a raccoon was using the hole to get into the attic.

Removing the raccoon is a necessary first step.  Fixing the roof is the step that is going to stop the water damage and keep other animals out.

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Next, take a look at this video which shows a new ridge vent being installed.  The old one was made of plywood and failed due to age and weather.  Raccoons found the weakened structure, pulled it up, and slipped into the attic.

Again, getting raccoons out is important.  But, securely installing a new ridge vent will keep the roof functioning well and keep critters out.

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Finally, here is a video which shows a needed soffit repair to keep animals out.  As Ryan notes, this soffit was improperly installed, giving the raccoons an opportunity to get in.  Too often, we find mistakes made by installers because animals lead us to them.

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Full Service Raccoon Removal for Akron, Canton, Kent

Stopping nuisance animals is more than just animal removal.  It’s also about prevention and repair.

Even though our name is Frontline Animal Removal we want you to know that we offer repair as well.  It’s what makes us a full service oragnization.

Making professional, guaranteed repairs, we strive to be the go-to full service nuisance animal removal company in the Stark, Summit, Portage County, OH area.

We can remove your nuisance animals for sure, but we can also do the guaranteed repair work in an extremely professional manner.

Give us a call today to discuss your situation.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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