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Tackling Trap Shy Raccoons

Raccoons thrive in the Stark, Summit, Portage County area. Sometimes, they thrive a bit too close for comfort and move into our homes.  Then they become nuisance raccoons.

At Frontline Animal Removal, we understand the challenges of dealing with these clever critters, particularly when they’ve become trap shy, or as we like to say, “trap smart.”

Trap shy/trap smart raccoons are raccoons that avoid typical, baited wire cage traps at all costs.  This is usually the result of a raccoon being captured in a trap previously and then re-located.  Trap shy raccoons are no ordinary adversaries; they are the seasoned veterans of the attic dwelling raccoon world.

In this post, Ryan sheds some light on trap smart raccoons and shares what it takes to solve an issue with one.

Trap Shy Raccoon Insights

Raccoons previously captured and released can be difficult to remove a second time.  Ryan shares a recent experience and thoughts on the removal process in this video.

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Their experiences have taught them to be cautious, making re-capture a tricky endeavor.

Understanding Trap Shy Raccoons

Trap shy raccoons aren’t just cautious; they’re downright wary.

Their previous encounters with cage traps have left them leery of anything resembling confinement. This means standard trapping methods often fall short. At Frontline Animal Removal, we employ advanced techniques and specialized equipment to outsmart these savvy critters.  We are forced to be patient and wait for them to make a mistake.  Here are some other tips:

  1. Strategic Placement: We carefully select trap locations based on raccoon behavior and activity patterns. By positioning traps in high-traffic areas and near food sources, we increase our chances of success.  Monitoring traps and homes with our cameras really helps.
  2. Alternative Trapping Methods: Sometimes, baited traps just won’t cut it. In these cases, we often utilize positive-set traps where the animal is forced through the trap.  This is one our our go-to methods and widely used if possible.
  3. Persistence and Patience: Dealing with trap smart raccoons requires a healthy dose of both persistence and patience. We understand that success may not come overnight, but with dedication and perseverance, we can achieve our goals.
  4. Communication: As Ryan noted in the video, communicating with the homeowner that is at the building especially in those overnight- raccoon movement hours is important.  Any knowledge that can be gathered about the raccoon’s movement is important.

The Legalities of Raccoon Removal in Ohio

While capturing nuisance wildlife is essential for maintaining public safety and protecting property, it’s crucial to do so within the bounds of the law. In Ohio, the Nuisance Wildlife Rules, specifically Rule 1501:31-15-03, govern the control of nuisance wild animals.

According to these regulations, live-trapped raccoons may only be released on the property from which they were captured. Relocating raccoons to other properties is strictly prohibited, primarily due to concerns regarding rabies transmission. Unauthorized relocation not only violates state law but also contributes to the development of trap smart raccoons, exacerbating the problem for other homeowners.

At Frontline Animal Removal, we adhere to these regulations diligently. Our priority is not only to resolve nuisance wildlife issues but also to do so responsibly and ethically, ensuring the safety of both humans and animals alike.

Raccoon Removal | Canton, Akron, Kent

Dealing with trap shy (trap smart) raccoons presents a unique set of challenges.  But with the right approach, Frontline Animal Removal is equipped to handle even the most cunning of adversaries.

So, if you find yourself facing off against a crafty raccoon, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’ll be there to lend a helping hand and restore peace to your home, one raccoon at a time.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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