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Safely Blocking Raccoon Entrances

Raccoons are notorious for finding their way into homes, causing damage and creating problems for residents.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of removing the raccoons in conjunction with blocking raccoon entrances and exits to secure homes.

As a cautionary tale of what can happen when raccoons are blocked, we have included a video from a recent raccoon job where new damage was created at a soffit because a trap (with a raccoon in it) was blocking the usual exit.  New damage is one of the risks when trying to block raccoons.

Trapping & Blocking Raccoons

When there is a suspected raccoon getting into the attic or other part of the house we recommend a two step approach: 1) Remove the offenders  2) Make sure raccoons can’t back in at that point.

To execute this plan we identify damaged areas and set up traps.  After the raccoons are gone, we identify a course of action to keep raccoons out.  Old damage needs fixed or modifications that enabled them to get inside need addressed. We often do many of the repairs/exclusions

Just blocking the raccoons through a fix without removal is usually avoided.  Blocking their exit points with raccoons inside can lead to unwanted consequences. Raccoons are resourceful and determined animals that will find alternative ways to escape, potentially causing more damage in the process.

For instance at one of our recent raccoon removal jobs, a raccoon that was inside house did do some more damage because it couldn’t get out.  In this case the trap had another raccoon in it.  The one blocked in, came out through the soffit on the front of the house.

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Raccoon Removal & Exclusion

At Frontline Animal Removal, we prioritize the humane removal of raccoons before implementing any exclusion measures. Trapping ensures that the raccoons are out, preventing them from becoming trapped inside during the sealing process. This approach enhances resolution of the problem and reduces the risk of more property damage.

Once the raccoons have been successfully removed, it’s time to address the damaged areas. You’ll want to thoroughly repair and seal all entry points to prevent future raccoon invasions. Using durable materials and techniques that can withstand the persistence of these intelligent creatures is a must.

Attempting to exclude raccoons without proper removal measures may lead to unforeseen challenges. Raccoons that feel threatened or displaced may just move on.  But, in our experience, they often create new entry points and additional damage. Removal and exclusion should go hand in hand for a comprehensive solution.

Raccoon Removal & Exclusion | Akron/Stark , Canton/Summit, Kent/Portage

Blocking raccoon entrances is a crucial step in securing your home, but it must be done with careful consideration for both the residents and the raccoons involved.

Frontline Animal Removal emphasizes the importance of trapping before making repairs, ensuring a safe and effective approach to raccoon control. Trust the experts to safeguard your home and keep raccoons at bay.  We have the tools and experience to remove the critters and make great repairs.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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