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Vent Damaging Raccoon

A noise was heard in a ceiling.  Whatever was in there sounded big.

After the noise was heard, some exploration on the roof above the ceiling revealed that something had ripped up shingles and bent a metal vent.  It turns out that a raccoon decided it really wanted in for some reason and wasn’t going to be denied.  This is the damage that was found.

As these pictures show, raccoons are strong and capable of doing quite a bit of damage.  Getting this raccoon of of this roof/ceiling space is accomplished efficiently with smart trapping.

Positive Set Trapping is Productive

In the video below Ryan shows how he captured this raccoon.

As you’ll see, Ryan puts a type of trap right at this vent that the raccoon walks through to trigger.  It is a double door trap that catches the raccoon coming or going.  It works when the raccoon walks through the trap.  That is ensured by placing the trap in a travel path and blocking any other ways through the area.

In this case the raccoon was in the ceiling.  The only easy way out was through the vent.  Ryan set up the trap and blocking material right at the vent.  In order to get out, the raccoon had to pass through the trap.  And that was when it was captured. 

As Ryan explains, this raccoon did not want to go through the trap.  It knew something was fishy.  This was one wary raccoon.  But, because there was no other viable way to the outside, it eventually went through the trap and was captured.

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 Raccoon Removal | Akron, Canton, Kent

The video shows a textbook example of what can be done with the right trap in the right place in the hands of an experienced trapper.

Getting this raccoon out of this roof would be very challenging for anyone without the tools and equipment.  For Ryan, it’s business as usual.

If you have tough raccoon situation and need some help, give frontline Animal Removal a call today.

We help customers in the Summit, Stark, Portage County area solve all kinds of nuisance animal removal problems.  Raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, etc. can all be removed efficiently and ethically.


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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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