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Winter Shelter is Animals’ Priority

Though the early part of November was very nice weather-wise, we’ve seen our first real hint of the coming winter over the last ten day.  It’s been cold!

Are you prepared for winter?

Through the Fall and definitely with the first blast of cold, a lot of us start preparing for winter in all sorts of ways.

From simple things like getting the scraper in the car or getting the storage box of mittens and gloves out of the attic to bigger items like having the furnace inspected, winter is something we prepare for.

Squirrels and Raccoons Prepping for Winter

While it might take a shot of brisk air to get some of us humans in winter prep mode, the squirrels, raccoons, and other animals we deal with have been in instinctual winter preparation mode for some time.

Getting thicker coats of fur and eating as much as possible to store fat are instinctual things that just happen.  It will be cold and the animals’ bodies adjust.

Additionally, many squirrels and raccoons look to upgrade their shelter at this time of year.

Because of this, late fall is a common time of year for newly noticed raccoon and squirrel problems here in the Akron, Canton, Kent area, as they find ways into attics in anticipation of winter.

Many of our urban and suburban squirrels and raccoons have come to associate human structures with premium winter living spaces.  Even though a nest in the hollow of a tree makes a good den, if your attic or soffit is available, it often makes an offering too good to pass up.

Have you heard noises or found some other evidence to suggest animals might have moved in recently?

If so, the timing is right and you may have a squirrel or raccoon problem that is likely to last through the winter unless you take action.

Squirrels and Raccoons Moving In

The animals are always looking for a shelter upgrade.  And when they find some advantage they can exploit on a home, they are bound to take advantage of it.

Water damage, loose soffit panels, and all kind of repair issues typically lead to animal entry.  Today, we look at a house that has squirrels in it after getting a new roof and some other repairs this year.

Somehow as the old roof was torn off and new was installed, a weakness was left on the side of this house.  This was a human error that invited the animals in.  It will take trapping and a better repair to get the out.

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Professional Squirrel and Raccoon Removal | Canton, Akron, Kent, OH

If squirrels or raccoons have made new breaches into your home as winter approaches, give us a call!

We will remove the animals and make repairs so that your home is guaranteed animal free.  And in many cases we can fix the damage to keep winter out of the space as well.

We provide professional animal removal  and animal damage repair in the Stark, Summit, Portage County area and want to be your service provider.

If you have more questions please call us or look all around our website.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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