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Mole Mounds and Yard Destruction

“Holy Moley!” is an expression Wiktionary defines as, “an expression of surprise”.  And surprise may be just what you are feeling as the recent warming trend has peeled back some of our snow and you find your beautiful yard riddled with mounds of dirt everywhere. ( It’s OK to feel anger, disgust, and resentment as well)

Yard destruction due to mole moundsMoles!  Those little digging and eating machines can sure do a number on a lawn, like this recent picture shows.

As they tunnel around looking for food, the excavations from their tunnels have to go somewhere.  So the moles bring the dirt to the surface and makes all the mounds the snow recently revealed.

As the ground thaws out and the spring rains come, the moles’ food sources will come closer to the surface and the moles will follow.  Then, more mole tunnels will start to be visible just under the grass and topsoil.  But right now, the moles are still running a little deeper and making the mounds which can really make a yard look bad.

What to Do About Mole Mounds

Cosmetically, the mounds can be easily removed.  You can stomp them flat, wait for the rain to eventually flatten them, or just scoop up the dirt into a wheel barrow or bucket.  The mound dirt is generally really nice topsoil that can be used for patching or planting.  You can then rake the area flat and wait till the grass starts growing.  Or, you may even choose to overseed the area.

An advantage of removing these mounds which have accumulated over the winter is that once you have reset your yard, you can see where any new activity is.  This can inform your trapping efforts: It can guide you in trap placement and helps you gauge the effectiveness of your trapping program.

Getting Rid of the Source

If you choose not to live with the moles and their excavating habits, we recommend trapping.

There are many products available to deal with moles, but virtually all reputable sources (try Universities Extension websites) will back up our statement that trapping is the most effective management tool.

To learn more about moles and trapping moles visit:

If you are reading this post and live in the Akron / Canton / Kent, Ohio area give us a call.  We can help you take back your yard from the moles.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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