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Ryan’s Favorite Trap

A few weeks ago, our Feb.15 post reviewed the basics of squirrel trapping.

If you missed that post you may want to go back and read it:

Squirrel Trapping Basics

As that post pointed out, squirrel removal from a home is best accomplished by knowing where they are getting in and trapping at that spot with two styles of trap.

Ryan’s favorite trap in a basic squirrel set-up is the repeater trap or one-way door trap.

He does some show and tell in this video.

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Repeater Trap: Let’s Squirrels Out of House But Not Inside

As you saw in the video, when deployed correctly any squirrel coming out of the house is captured.

The fact that they cover the entrance/exit is what makes them very effective.

The only draw-back to them is installation.  Installation of the trap can be tricky because squirrels put their holes in some tricky spots.

To narrow down and funnel the squirrels into the trap, some creativy also comes into play. 

Ryan uses a combination of hardware cloth, mounting screws, sheet metal, and ingenuity to get the hole covered and the trap mounted.  Poor insallation of the trap will be evidenced by squirrels by-passing the trap.

This picture shows an example.

The squirrels’ hole was at a roof edge.  This did not afford much room to mount a trap. 

Nevertheless, Ryan was able to block of the hole completely and create a funnel that goes right into the trap.  In this instance, the trap is actually cantilevered off the roof.  Keeping it secure with a support strap made out of hardware cloth shows the workmanship.

The rear of the trap is exposed so that Ryan can transfer squirrels out while leaving the system in place until the job is done.

Placing a trap over the hole also keeps new squirrels from going inside while the removal proces is accomplished.

The two styles of trap help to accomplish the job quickly.

Here is an older video that shows the same concept.

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Where to Get Squirrel Traps

If you are looking for some squirrel traps like this, take a look at the following links.

We are not sponsored by these companies.  We just use these supplies and/or manufacturers for our squirrel traps.

There are lots of different traps available at Wildlife Control Supplies.  They are a distributor for the nuisance animal control industry.  The company is reputable and has good customer service.

Tomahawk is a brand of traps that are of good quality.  Here is a alink to their site for the type of traps in the videos.

SafeGuard Traps makes good traps too. They sells their products through retailers.  This page links to their distributors.

Squirrel Removal | Akron, Canton, Kent Ohio

For all of your squirrel removal needs in Stark, Summit, and Portage Counties please contact the Frontline Animal Removal team.

We have the experience and tools to rid your house of squirrels and fix the area of damage.

Call today.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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