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Repair Work and Animal Removal

Every so often we will get a call for a nuisance animal issue, and find an old problem. This week a home owner called us because squirrels were running rampant in the attic. During the inspection two squirrel entry points were found. Both of these squirrel holes had previously been repaired improperly using pieces of scrap wood and metal. This is a perfect example of how not to seal out critters.
Frontline Animal Removal makes proper repair work a huge priority. If the animals are removed from a house, but the house isn’t correctly repaired and sealed after the removal, the animals will find their way right back into a home. When Frontline Animal Removal makes a repair, we make sure to do it right the first time.

Canton,OH squirrel removal

Ryan collects the squirrels that have exited the home and gone into the trap.

squirrel chew through

Blocking a hole without removing the squirrels just gives their teeth a workout.

Squirrel Block

This won’t keep squirrels out.

Caught gray squirrels

A close-up of the attic invaders; the gray squirrel.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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