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Unusual Job: Raccoon and Groundhog Caught at the Same Spot

Nuisance animal removal can be a challenging and unpredictable job. Wildlife experts often find themselves faced with unique situations that are only revealed after an inspection..

At a recent odd job, a raccoon and a groundhog were both captured at the same location!

Watch the video and read on as we delve into the unusual circumstances of this double capture and explore the reasons behind this unexpected encounter.

Which Animal is Getting Inside?

Ryan was called out to a home for groundhogs getting inside. The homeowner has seen groundhogs around their property often and in the area of question   They discovered animals getting in the wall at a corner of the house. They heard movement.  Suspecting groundhogs, they reached out to Frontline Animal Removal.

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The Dual Dilemma: Upon inspection and after trapping, what Ryan discovered was truly surprising – not one, but two different species of nuisance animals were causing havoc in the same area. A raccoon and a groundhog were both trapped, sharing the same territory.

Uncommon Bedfellows: The cohabitation of raccoons and groundhogs in the same space is an uncommon sight. These two animals have distinct behaviors, habitats, and lifestyles that generally keep them apart. Raccoons are known for their nocturnal habits, dexterous paws, and omnivorous diet, while groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are herbivores and prefer to burrow underground.

Possible Explanations: The presence of both a raccoon and a groundhog in the same location can be attributed to a few factors:

  1. Resource Competition: In cases of limited food sources or shelter, different animal species may tolerate each other’s presence temporarily.
  2. Coincidental Timing: It’s possible that the raccoon and groundhog simply happened to converge on this particular yard at around the same time.
  3. Shelter Preference: That foundation issue may have provided a unique hiding spot that attracted both animals.

Trapping & Repair Solves Both Problems

Removing both animals from the property required the expertise of wildlife removal specialists. Live traps were set strategically to safely capture the raccoon and groundhog.

Preventing Future Encounters: To prevent future unexpected encounters like this one, the homeowner needs to get that block fixed. Removing the racoons thathave used the area for quite a while now also adds to prevention; as they will not look around for other ways to get in.

Raccoon Removal & Groundhog Removal

The story of the raccoon and groundhog caught at the same spot serves as a reminder that nature can sometimes surprise us with its quirks. Wildlife removal experts constantly adapt to these unique challenges, ensuring both the safety of the animals and the peace of mind of homeowners. If you ever find yourself facing a similar situation, don’t hesitate to seek the assistance of Frontline Animal Removal who can help you navigate the world of nuisance animal removal, no matter how unusual the circumstances may be.

We are experienced in the removal of raccoons and groundhogs.  We can help you with either species.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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