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Raccoon Solutions : Remove & Repair

When raccoons get into the house, our customers want them out now.  It’s why we get a lot of calls and maybe how you found this blog post.

And while trapping and removing raccoons is the first step, Frontline Animal Removal would like you to consider what happens after the raccoon removal before you choose your nuisance animal trapper.  What happens after the raccoons are gone is key to the long-term success of keeping nuisance animals out of your building.

In this post, we offer video of a raccoon removal and the all-important repair after the raccoon is gone.  And in watching this, we challenge you to consider what happens after the raccoon is gone.  Have you thought about the repair and who will do it?  Can you focus on preventing a next time?

Repair work is the under-appreciated step that constitute a raccoon job done right! 

Our advice: Hire someone who can trap the troublesome critter AND make a professional repair all at the same time.  

More Than Raccoon Trapping

Under ideal circumstances luring a raccoon into a trap (especially one not trapped before) isn’t too difficult.  That’s why raccoon trapping can be DIY with the right equipment.  And, it’s also the reason there seems to be a new nuisance animal removal company popping up every month.

But if you are looking for a lasting solution to a problem, we suggest you look for a nuisance animal removal company experienced in trapping raccoons AND making comprehensive repairs to the damaged areas the raccoons were using.

Please watch the following video that shows what an professional raccoon removal company can offer

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The immediate problem here was the raccoon.  But as you realize after watching the video, the water getting through the roof is the root of the problem.  It’s why the squirrels chose this spot and why the raccoon eventually ended up here.  Without a good fix, the problem isn’t really solved even if a raccoon or two is trapped.

You want a repair as good as this one.

Professional Raccoon Removal and Repairs for Akron, Canton, Kent Area

So if you are contemplating hiring someone to come out and solve your raccoon problem, we suggest you look for a full service raccoon removal company.

Some companies only remove animals and don’t do repair work.  Some companies claim to do “repair work” , but are honestly out of their element.  

We are obviously biased, but we believe it makes sense to hire the full service provider.

We strive to be the go-to full service nuisance animal removal company in the Stark, Summit, Portage County, OH area.  Please look through our web site and YouTube page to see all the examples of lasting solutions we’ve offered clients.

Give us a call today to discuss your situation.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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